Kansas City Manuscript Collections

Collection Number Title Collection Dates Body Finding Aid
K0606 Anne Winter and Kurt von Schlemmer Collection 1980-1990

Collected materials gathered or produced by Recycled Sounds, a Westport MO phonograph record store owned by Winters and Schlemmer. Includes "Recycled Sounds" magazine issues, newspaper articles; and a few photographs, and posters handbills and promotional materials of various rock bands and venues in the Kansas City area, and materials concerning the Greater Kansas City Coalition against Censorship.

 Finding Aid
K0607 Earl Wilson Allen Country Club District Map 1930

Original painting [pictograph map] of the Country Club District, for J.C. Nichols Company (on board). Painting was displayed in J.C. Nichols building on the Country Club Plaza until 2012.

 Finding Aid
K0608 US-China Peoples Friendship Association-Midwest Region Records 1978-2012

Organizational records including correspondence, newsletters, minutes, membership applications and lists, newspaper clippings, and books and magazines concerning the US and China. Also includes educational motion picture film and video about China and the Far East.

 Finding Aid
K0609 Richard Lawrence Matthis Papers 1997-2013

Matthis is a composer and musician in Kansas City, MO. includes personal records of correspondence, legal files, financial records, personal research, educational and social activities, poetry and musical compositions. Also electronic files containing; music, poetry, correspondence and miscellaneous personal papers.

 Finding Aid
K0610 James L. Soward Papers 1995

Notes and research materials, oral interviews, and photographs for the book written by Soward, Hospital Hill: an illustrated account of public healthcare institutions in Kansas City, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
K0611 George Edward Hicks Papers 1983-2003

Research and other papers created and collected by Hicks, a local historian. Includes newspaper and magazines articles, correspondence, flyers, a project manual, booklets, photographs, maps, and a grant proposal related to the Pioneer Park Committee of the Westport Historical Society, and to other projects of the Native Sons and Daughters of Greater Kansas City.

 Finding Aid
K0612 Albert Edward Prather Photograph Collection 1919-1940

Prints and negatives taken by an amateur Kansas City photographer. Included are close up images of race car drivers at the Kansas Speedway Board Track at 95th and Troost, and other car race photographs

K0613 Betty Mae Gilpin Roark Weithers Scrapbook 1927-1947

Scrapbook and photographs relating to the birth and early life of Weithers, a student at Southwest High School and later a teacher and in 1967 and became director of the special education department for the Kansas State Board of Education.

K0614 Bill Allen Chevrolet Photograph Collection 1927-1965

Photographs of people, cars, showrooms, shops, and events relating to Bill Allen Chevrolet in North Kansas City, and Chevy dealerships in the Kansas City area.

 Finding Aid
K0615 Lloyd H. Coale, Sr. Collection no date

Photographs relating to Coale's service in WWII as a doctor and his family in Kansas City, KS.

 Finding Aid
K0616 Marie Kelley-William J. Mack Dance School Photographs 1930-1936

Group of photos of dance performances on stage by the school.

 Finding Aid
K0617 Hugh Gordon Deane Jr. Papers 1936-1998

Personal papers of journalist, author, and co-founder of the US-China Peoples Friendship Association. Includes correspondence, research notes, publications, conference transcripts, an FBI file on Indusco, manuscripts (published and unpublished), clippings, and a military map drawn by Zhou Enlai.

 Finding Aid
K0618 Panel of American Women-Kansas City Branch Records 1963-1991

Organizational records of the Kansas City branch, an organization dedicated to thoughtful examination and discussion of social issues. Includes treasurers' files, program Committee information, correspondence, miscellaneous articles, workshop and panel information, cassette tapes, and historical information on the branch establishment.

 Finding Aid
K0619 National Panel of American Women Records 1957-1986

Organizational records of the national office of the Panel of American Women, an organization dedicated to thoughtful examination and discussion of social issues. Includes correspondence, financial and legal records, newsletters and printed material, minutes, and scrapbooks.

 Finding Aid
K0620 Brandeis University National Women's Committee, Greater Kansas City Chapter Records 1962-2014

Organizational records of the chapter dedicated to fundraising and support of the Brandeis University libraries. Includes flyers, invites, brochures, newspaper clippings, newsletters, photographs, photo albums, scrapbooks, and directories.

 Finding Aid
K0621 Manley Inc. Records 1922-2002

Photographs, advertisements, catalogs, for the Kansas City company, makers of popcorn and popcorn machines.

 Finding Aid
K0622 Harvey J. Schmelzer/Charles J. Schmelzer II Papers/Schmelzer Realty Co. Records 1925-1987

Administrative files of the Realty Company and some personal files of Charles J. Schmelzer II. Includes appraisals and property management of specific buildings and general background information on buildings and streetscapes in Kansas City, MO. Some files contain photographs.

 Finding Aid
K0623 Herbert V. Jones and Company/Jones and Company/Whitney E. Kerr and Company Records 1861-2006

Administrative files of a major Kansas City real estate firm including leases, studies, sales records, property management records, aerial photographs, maps and drawings.

 Finding Aid
K0624 Minkin Real Estate Company Records 1974-2007

Administrative records of a long standing real estate company in Kansas City area. Includes transaction files; surveys; floor plans; sketches; aerial photographs; correspondence; marketing materials, primarily printed advertising brochures of various properties offered by the Company; and real estate listings of various brokers.

 Finding Aid
K0625 Dorothy Castle Duggan Diaries 1930-1939

Diaries kept by a young women doing high school and her college years at the University of Missouri.

 Finding Aid
K0626 McDaniel Family Papers Papers 1812-1940

Papers and genealogy relating to the family of McDaniel, Civil War soldier, farmer, insurance agent, and minister.

 Finding Aid
K0627 David Morantz Papers 1909-1952

Papers of Kansas City area businessman who compiled stories from the Talmud which were syndicated in newspapers as "Talmudic Tales". Also includes his business and religious organizational activities as well as research files and writings on the Talmud, Jewish history and law, dietary laws, and anti-Semitism.

 Finding Aid
K0628 Dorothy Shubart Rosenwald Papers 1913-2001

Personal papers of civic leader, educator, and an active member of the Jewish Community in Kansas City. Includes correspondence, pamphlets, clippings, information, booklets, papers on organizations with which Rosenwald was involved such as the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), UNESCO, Missouri Association for Social Welfare, and Conference on Families. Rosenwald was prolific traveler and included is material she gathered from across the globe over their many decades.

 Finding Aid
K0629 Bernard Harley Brown Papers 1978-2003

Papers of civic leader and former President of Menorah Health Center Foundation. Includes publications, photographs, newspaper clippings and a scrapbook concerning Brown's activities with the Medical Center.

 Finding Aid
K0630 Kay L. Potter Papers 1939-2000

Photographs and collected materials of former J.C. Nichols Company employee and amateur photographer.

 Finding Aid
K0631 Jacob F. Rothblatt Collection 1950-1979

Rothblatt was Cantor of Congregation Beth Shalom in Kansas City, MO. Includes phonograph recordings, awards, plaques, photograph and hand painted portrait of Cantor Rothblatt.

 Finding Aid
K0632 Scarritt-Royster-Swinney Family Papers 1818-1989

Family papers of three prominent families of Kansas City and Glasgow, MO. Includes a wide variety of materials including letters, postcards, speeches, newspaper articles, poetry, photographs, family items, business and personal papers, tributes to various individuals and historical papers and recollections.

 Finding Aid
K0634 Calvin Communication Records 1952-1977

Motion picture film, brochures, publications, and photographs from the professional 16mm film production company in Kansas City, MO.

K0635 Neighborhood News Collection 1982-1992

The Neighborhood News Collection contains open reels of audio recordings conducted by Allen Simon for the Kansas City Neighborhood News radio show. The reels contain segments of news and updates regarding many Kansas City metropolitan neighborhoods from 1982 to 1992.

 Finding Aid
K0636 American Institute of Architects/Kansas City Chapter (AIA/KC) Records 1917-1999

Organizational records of the Kansas City chapter of the national professional organization for architects. Includes correspondence;, officer and committee files; financial records; meeting minutes; printed and promotional materials; clippings; membership records; files for the yearly awards for achievement in local design, allied arts, and craftsmanship containing planning materials for the awards programs, slides, and photos of entries and winners; and slides and photos of local architecture and design (including early Kansas City), international sites, and AIA functions; and audio and videotapes of oral histories, guest speakers, lectures, journal reviews, and business self-improvement, as well as recordings of a community television program on architecture AIA/KC produced. Also the business and social records of the KC/AIA Women's League.

 Finding Aid
K0637 Kansas City Slide Manufacturing Company Records 1914-1967

Advertisements, catalogs, original art, artifacts, and photographic negatives used to produce glass slides.

K0638 Leo Feingold and Ida Rose Luke Feingold Papers 1927-2012

Photographs, clippings, programs, scrapbooks, and books on childhood education and poetry relating to the lives, careers, and interests of the Feingolds.

 Finding Aid
K0639 Thomas E. Sims Papers 1952-2001

Professional papers of a Kansas City, Missouri Municipal court judge, 16th Judicial Circuit. Includes correspondence, research materials, case studies, newsletters and publications of various state and national legal organizations.

 Finding Aid
K0640 Albert L. Reeves, Sr. Papers 1900-1971

Personal and professional papers depicting U.S. District Court Judge Reeves' judicial career and family material. Includes manuscripts and family materials; photographs; speeches/addresses; cases; correspondence, clippings, and an oversize scrapbook. Also drafts of unpublished book by Reeves, Shame of a Great City.

 Finding Aid
K0641 American Chemical Society-Kansas City Section Records 1899-1987

Organizational records and publications of the Kansas City chapter of the American Chemical Society. Includes by-laws, minutes, correspondence, financial records, annual reports, awards files, brochures, photographs, articles, and publication, the Kansas City Chemist.

 Finding Aid
K0642 William L. Fambrough, Sr. Photograph Collection 1940-1970

Negatives and prints recording events and people taken by Fambrough, a Kansas City African-American professional photographer.

 Finding Aid
K0643 George Muehlbach & Sons Grocery Company Records 1874-2003

Organizational records including employee policies, legal agreements, publications and advertising materials, photographs of the grocery stores, and architectural drawings of a Kansas City area grocery store chain.. Also photographs of the family.

 Finding Aid
K0644 Jolly Anglers Hunting and Fishing Club Records 1954-1972

Minute books, correspondence, writings and ephemera related to this Swedish social club.

 Finding Aid
K0645 Kappa Kappa Gamma Alumnae Association Holiday House Tour 1972-1977

Organizational records of an alumnae association of a national women's fraternal organization. Includes officer's notebooks, historical materials, books, and publications, minutes, photographs and notebooks maintained by the chairmen of the Holiday House Tour and Founder's Day Banquets.

 Finding Aid
K0646 Lyric Opera of Kansas City Records 1958-2013

Organizational records of the Opera and Opera Guild including scrapbooks, photographs, printed materials, public relations files, financial records, minutes, bylaws, and newspaper clipping.

 Finding Aid
K0647 James B. Hassett Papers 1845-1867

Hasett was a farmer located in Jackson County, MO and Fulton County, KY. Includes land records for a farm near Sibley, MO and a certificate concerning value of his buildings and contents burned by 4th Missouri State Cavalry during the Civil War. Also Hassett's will filed in Fulton Co., KY.

 Finding Aid
K0648 Shirley Rae Tranin Morantz and Stanley Aaron Morantz Papers 1922-2010

Personal papers of Shirley Morantz, Administrative Secretary for the National Office of the Panel of American Women, and Stanley Morantz, board member of numerous religious and civic groups. Also programs, clippings, military papers, speeches and writings by and organizational publications and awards received Stanley Morantz.

 Finding Aid
K0649 Congregation B'nai Jehudah Collection 1950-2011

The Congregation is the oldest reform temple in Kansas City, MO. includes newsletters and publication from the Congregation.

 Finding Aid
K0650 Louisa Poteet Johnston Papers 1850-2000

Letters, newspapers, clippings, research and writings, and other materials from great-granddaughter of Alexander Majors concerning the Russell, Majors, and Waddell Freighting company and the Majors Home.

 Finding Aid
K0651 American Public Works Association Records 1895-2006

Organizational records of the association that provides technical and educational resources for the public works professional community. Includes a wide range of material relating to the various functions and programs of the association, including membership, awards, finance, administration, departments, chapters, Congresses, and events.

 Finding Aid
K0652 Ann Peppard White Papers 1870-2009

Personal papers and writings of White, one-time columnist for the Kansas City Star, and her daughter Kate who did interviews with her mother and edited the stories. Included is correspondence, postcards, scrapbooks, publications, newsletters, books, photographs, oral history transcriptions, and audiocassettes.

 Finding Aid
K0653 Arthur Eddie Williamson Photograph Collection 1980-2000

Photographs taken by Williamson, a professional photographer in the African-American community of Kansas City.

 Finding Aid
K0654 Atwell Loomis Bohling, Jr. Papers 1939-1997 Professional materials used or produced by Bohling, an editorial writer for the Kansas City Star. Includes articles, clippings, correspondence, research materials, reporters' notebooks and diaries, travel brochures, receipts, menus, publications, and photographs. Personal papers include class notebooks from Yale and Northwestern University, theatre and opera programs, and ephemera.  Finding Aid
K0655 Baird-Welsh-Chisholm Family Papers 1894-1922

The papers contain various scrapbooks such as photograph albums, baby books, and commemorative books of other events such as deaths and weddings. Also contained are personal papers such as letters and certificates pertaining to the family and family-friends as well as individual photographs of members of the family.

 Finding Aid
K0656 Baptist-Lutheran Medical Center Auxiliary Records 1946-2003

Organizational records of the Auxiliary including annual reports, bylaws, board minutes, financial records, medical reports, surveys, newspaper clippings, commemorative booklets, newsletters, flyers, event programs, brochures, photographs, slides, photo albums, calendars, and VHS tapes.

 Finding Aid
K0657 B'nai B'rith Youth Organization (BBYO) Scrapbooks 1937-2000

BBYO is an international, pluralistic Jewish youth group for high school-age teenagers. Scrapbooks contain paperwork, photographs, and memorabilia related to meetings, programs, and conferences.

 Finding Aid
K0658 Booth-Lang Family Papers 1895-1987

Papers and photographs documenting the history of the Lang, Imboden, Fornefett, Booth and related families. Includes genealogical information, certificates of baptism, confirmation, naturalization papers, military records, obituaries, and correspondence. Also family activities and interests, residences, military, and travel.

 Finding Aid
K0659 Anita Boresow Loeb Papers 1921-2010

An autobiographical family history entitled My Wonderful Life written by Loeb, community historian and active member of Kansas City's Jewish Community. Also a panoramic photograph of the Southwestern Keren Hayesod Zionist Conference, 1921.

 Finding Aid
K0660 Arthur F. McClure II Papers 1908-1997

McClure was a professor of history at Central Missouri State University in Warrensburg, MO. Includes research materials reflecting his interest in Missouri and Kansas history: newspaper clippings, magazine articles, books, and pamphlets on famous people who were born in these states; movies made in or about the area; Kansas City area buildings, businesses, and theaters; jazz and big bands. Also movie files of photographs of famous actors and actresses; and photographs from the Farm Security Administration.

 Finding Aid
K0661 Barbara Sandra Pittel-Katz Papers 1917-2010

A teacher and musician, Katz is an active member of Kansas City's Jewish Community. Includes sorority publicity, Heritage Center art, and the musical "Letters to Russia" composed by Pittel-Katz. Also certificates of scholarship for Bertha Glazer and David Pittell from Jefferson School and Woodland School in Kansas City, MO; correspondence; and materials related to the "Save Union Station" event.

 Finding Aid
K0662 Bea Firestone Flam Collection 1959-2008

The Bea Firestone Flam Collection contains a group photograph, a set of negatives, and Mrs. Firestone's obituary.

 Finding Aid
K0663 Bernard Jacob Fremerman Family Papers 1947-2004

Newspaper clippings concerning members of the Fremerman family who were actively involved in business, music, and sports.

 Finding Aid
K0664 Betty Pfeffer Lesky and J. Louis Lesky Papers 1954-1999

The Lesky's were active members of Kansas City's Jewish Community. Includes programs for the Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award commemorative luncheons and the Purim Balls sponsored by Kehilath Israel Synagogue of which the Lesky's were planners..

 Finding Aid
K0665 Burroughs Audubon Society of Greater Kansas City Records 1905-1991

Organizational records including by-laws, minutes, correspondence, clippings, scrapbooks, programs, pamphlets, rosters, field notes and bird censuses, photographs, and glass lantern slides. Also research materials, slides, and papers belonging to A.E. Shirling (1875-1947), noted Kansas City naturalist and author.

 Finding Aid
K0666 Carl J. DiCapo Papers 1971-2002

Dicapo is a prominent businessman and civic leader in Kansas City. Included are personal files concerning his civic, cultural, and community activities such as his service on the Board of Parks and Recreation and Desegregation Monitoring Committee for Kansas City public schools. Business records deal with his Italian Gardens Restaurant. Also are photographs, audio and video tapes, certificates and plaques presented to DiCapo.

 Finding Aid
K0667 Carla Levine Klausner Papers 1974-1980

This collection includes newspaper clippings and pamphlets concerning activities and accomplishments of Dr. Klausner, professor of History at University of Missouri-Kansas City.

 Finding Aid
K0668 Cave Spring Association Records 1975-1984

Organizational records for an urban nature center and historic overland trails site, includes minutes, correspondence, reports, financial records, and research and informational files.

 Finding Aid
K0669 Cecil C. Carstenson and Blanche Williams Carstenson Papers 1943-2001

Cecil was talented wood sculptor, while his wife Blanche was best known for her textile artworks. Included are photographs and slides of both Cecil and Blanche's artwork. Also letters to various people, mostly family while Cecil was serving during World War II and scrapbooks covering most of their adult lives.

 Finding Aid
K0670 Central Agency for Jewish Education (CAJE) Records 1880-2009

Organizational records and other research materials relating to the activities of CAJE and the history of the Jewish Community in Kansas City, particularly in preparation of the book, Mid-America's Promise: A Profile of Kansas City Jewry. (includes oral history cassettes and VHS recordings)

 Finding Aid
K0671 Central Industrial District Records 1920-2000

Organizational records of the business association for Kansas City's industrial district in the West Bottoms. Includes minutes, membership information, studies, reports, and research data relating to the District and Kansas City generally. Also included are documents relating to historic preservation.

 Finding Aid
K0672 Charles Ashley Smith Architectural Records Collection 1890-1930

Smith was one of the most active architects of buildings for institutions, particularly schools, in Kansas City. Included are architectural drawings, renderings, photographs and clippings relating to Kansas City area buildings.

K0673 Charles Edward Clark Papers 1930-2006

Research materials of a former Regional Director of U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Includes newspaper clippings, journals, magazines, brochures, flyers, newsletters, and audio cassettes.

 Finding Aid
K0674 Charles W. Fertig Collection 1977-2001

Fertig was actively involved in Historic Preservation projects in St. Joseph, MO. includes surveys, reports, applications, and other documentation for St. Joseph redevelopment projects.

 Finding Aid
K0675 Charles W. Scarritt Papers 1870-1937

Scarritt, of the prominent Kansas City Scarritt family, was a Methodist pastor, businessman, realtor, and civic leader. Includes letters written to Charles by members of his family, Mrs. Calvin (Grace) Coolidge, and poet Grace Noll Crowell. Also family photographs and other family memorabilia and papers.

 Finding Aid
K0676 Childbirth Education Association of Greater Kansas City Records 1966-1985

Organizational records of the Association including minutes, correspondence, public relations files, photographs, clippings, financial records, teaching manuals, and publications.

 Finding Aid
K0677 Chiles/Huston/Kearny Family Papers 1850-1992

Newspaper clippings, U.S. maps, magazines, books, and event programs, correspondence, scrapbooks, photographs, cards, notebooks and diaries pertaining to the families in Kentucky, New England, and Jackson County, MO.

 Finding Aid
K0678 Christine I. Zelinsky Photograph Collection 1967-1969

Zelinsky is an artist and freelance graphics designer who was hired by the City of Kansas City to establish a design program for the city. Includes slide transparencies depicting Kansas City architecture and the various activities at City Hall.

K0679 Clarence Marion Kelley Papers 1918-1997

Kelley was Chief of Police for Kansas City, MO, Director of the FBI, and after his retirement formed Clarence M. Kelley and Associates, Inc.in Kansas City. Includes correspondence, papers, clippings, speeches, photographs of Kelley and his family from his college days until 1994. Also materials relating to Mr. Kelley's FBI career, his tenure as Chief of Police, and personal items.

K0680 Clearinghouse for Midcontinent Foundations (CMF) Records 1973-1993

The Clearinghouse was established for use by foundations and other funding institutions to exchange information and research requests for money. Includes correspondence and other planning materials for CMF conferences and meetings, publications and printed materials used by attendees, and photographs.

K0681 Clyde B. Neibarger Papers 1920-1963

Neibarger was at one time music editor Kansas City Star. Includes correspondence, clippings and typed manuscripts of Neibarger's reviews, and programs

K0682 Congregation Ohev Shalom Collection 1977-2007

Books commemorating the 100th and 130th anniversaries of Congregation Ohev Shalom, and video recording of program honoring Rabbi Daniel Horowitz.

 Finding Aid
K0683 Conrad J. Curtis Architectural Records Collection 1950-1992

Architectural drawings, job files, and business records for an architect who specialized in schools and small business buildings.

K0684 Construction and General Laborers Local Union No. 264 Photograph Collection 1957-1958

Photographs of construction and demolition activities, both residential and commercial, presumably by union members of Local #264. Includes Longview Farm, Municipal Auditorium, and other buildings and grain elevators in the general Kansas City area. Also a small amount of correspondence from Theodore L. Irving, President of the Local.

K0685 Coordinating Council of Synagogue and Temple Sisterhoods of Metropolitan Kansas City Collection 1965-1976

The Council fostered inter-institutional outreach and collaboration between Jewish and non-Jewish women's religious organizations. Includes a scrapbook documenting the Council's activities.

K0686 Council of Clubs of Kansas City, Missouri, Records 1901-2005

Organizational records of the Council including minutes, constitution and bylaws, correspondence, programs, printed materials, clippings, photographs, scrapbooks. Also yearbooks/directories of member organizations.

 Finding Aid
K0687 Daniel Serda Papers 1976-2011

Research materials gathered by Serda, a local historian, city planner, and faculty in the Department of Urban Planning, University of Kansas. Includes Kansas City bibliographic research, the Kansas City Stock Yards, the 1951 Flood, and other topics of his research and writing.

 Finding Aid
K0688 Daughters of the American Colonists, Missouri State Society Records 1923-2002

Scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings, photographs, programs, brochures, and other miscellaneous ephemera relating to the George Hull, the Osage, the St. Louis, and the Captain John Hall Chapters.

K0689 David Lawrence Boutros Papers 1975-1999

Collection was removed from SHSMO and returned to donor on 7/2/2014

K0690 David W. Short Collection 1902-1975

Short is a collector of materials relating to interurban railroad and streetcar systems. Includes mechanical drawings, magazines, posters, maps, and photographs.

 Finding Aid
K0691 Delbert James Haff Papers 1880-1920

Roughly 2500 personal letters collected by my great-grandmother Grace Barse Haff. The bulk of them were written to her by her husband Delbert J. Haff between the 1880s and 1920s, to and from all over the USA and Mexico. Others are addressed to them both from their children, siblings, and in-laws, including George and Rosina Barse, in either Kansas City or

K0692 Delta Kappa Gamma Society International-Chi Chapter of Delta State Records 1955-1996

Women educators founded the society to recognize the sustained, successful experience of women educators. Includes minutes, scrapbooks, photographs, directories, newsletters, clippings, conference programs, attendance rolls, and international directories.

K0693 Dominic M. Nigro Papers 1953-1982

Nigro was a noted Kansas City physician, businessman, and civic leader. Includes photographs of family, friends and various activities of Nigro, such as founder of the Knute Rockne Clubs of America under whom he played football.

 Finding Aid
K0694 Donald H. Tranin Papers 1930-2007

Personal papers of Donald Tranin, his father Earl Tranin (1896-1979), and the Paper Supply Company of Kansas City, MO. Included are political activities, investments in businesses and real estate, and civic activities.

 Finding Aid
K0695 Dorothy Brown Thompson Papers 1860-1994

Personal papers, writings, and research materials of Thompson, a poet and genealogist. Includes personal and professional materials: poetry manuscripts, correspondence, diaries, scrapbooks, photographs, and ephemera. Secondly, her extensive genealogical research includes specific family lines, correspondence, and historical publications. Also materials of her husband and son.

 Finding Aid
K0696 Edgar B. Voskamp Architectural Records 1922-1968

Architectural drawings of Gentry and Voskamp, a Kansas City area firm.

K0697 Edward Marshall Fuller Jr. Architectural Records 1920-1975

Architectural drawings, renderings, specifications, correspondence, notes and other documents related to Fuller's career as an architect in the Kansas City, area specializing in schools and churches.

K0698 Edward L. Roemer Papers 1886-1938

Catalogs and records of Roemer, a fine cabinetmaker in Kansas City, MO. Includes drawings, sketches, and patterns for furniture

K0699 Earl Thomas Coleman Papers 1975-1992

Coleman, a Republican was a U.S. Congressman representing Missouri's 6th Congressional District. Includes his congressional files: correspondence, research materials, press releases, newsletters, Member's Individual Voting Records, weekly files, subject files, planning calendars, speeches, foreign policy binders with information on specific issues/bills, photographs, videotapes.

K0700 Eileen Garry Papers 1930-1998

The Garry family was involved in the garment manufacturing industry in Kansas City, MO. includes book on Congregation Beth Torah book Garry co-wrote and a photograph of garment industry manufacturers featuring members of the Garry and Pachter families.

 Finding Aid
K0701 Elaine Baum Ryder Papers 1908-2006

National Register of Historic Places forms written by Ryder while a researcher for the Kansas City Landmarks Commission, booklets, books, newspaper clippings and magazines, and photographs.

K0702 Elaine Hydeman McNabney Papers 1973-1991

Materials gathered by McNabney, a former nurse, concerning the old General Hospital of Kansas City. She was very involved with the "Save the General Hospital" campaign.

K0703 Elbert C. Cole Papers 1970-2000

videotapes, scrapbook, film, manuscript material

K0704 Elise Guignon Collins Collection 1861-1986

Clippings, correspondence, photographs, and papers concerning the history of Kansas City, the area around Visitation Church at 52nd and Main, researched by Collins; and pamphlets, newspaper clippings, regarding the Guignon and Boussier families.

 Finding Aid
K0705 Eugene Sackin Papers 1918-1940

A scrapbook kept by Sackin while overseas during World War II. Also World War I letters from Isadore Levin to his family dated 1918.

K0706 Evelyn Levin Gibian and Marvin Paul Gibian Collection 1987-2004

Materials concerning the Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City and Congregation Beth Shalom and its members. Includes newspaper clipping and booklets, and memorabilia for various events.