Kansas City Manuscript Collections

Collection Number Title Collection Dates Body Finding Aid
K0505 Golda Svea Rosen Biography 1999

The collection contains a book detailing the life of Golda Svea Rosen. The book is a compilation of family pictures, documents, and information pertaining to Golda's life as she raised a family, worked as a social worker, and became a leading figure in various social work and Jewish community groups in Kansas City, Missouri.

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K0506 Gordon R. "Parky" Parkinson Papers 1929-1988

Papers of Trans World Airlines (TWA) Flight Superintendent. Includes histories of TWA, speeches and manuscripts by employees, policy and procedure information, clippings and photographs.

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K0507 Institute for Community Studies, Inc. Records 1950-1971

Reports and studies researched and collected by the Institute, a Kansas City research "think tank" focused on social welfare and education issues. Also correspondence, research data, and other administrative files.

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K0508 Susan Warren Papers 1943-1989

Personal correspondence, research materials, lecture notes, photographs, audiotapes, travel materials, ephemera and journals containing Warren's observations of China during her work as an editor and writer and her travels to China.

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K0509 Quill Club of Kansas City Records 1920-1980 Organizational files of a writers club in Kansas City, MO Includes minutes, financial records, scrapbooks, manuscript writings of members and other records.
K0510 Andrew Christy Knox Papers 1900-1951

Diaries, notebooks, some correspondence, and financial records of Knox, a physician in Kansas City, MO.

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K0511 Rediscover Mental Health Services Records 1969-1995

Administrative records, board minutes, legislation on federal and state levels, community contact and involvement, funding and programs offered and administered by Rediscover and its predecessors.

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K0512 Kansas City Young Audiences Inc. Records 1962-2005

Administrative records of an arts education organization. Includes minutes, correspondence, program announcements, performance information, financial records, fundraising efforts, and scrapbooks.

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K0513 Wyandotte Association for Child Care Services, Inc. Records 1976-1982

Administrative records of a social service agency which operated in Kansas City, KS. Includes correspondence, financial records, board of directors' materials, personnel files, program files, and related material.

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K0514 Kansas City, Missouri, Department of Public Works Bid Books 1888-1948

Formal bids for public works construction in Kansas City, MO.

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K0515 Kansas City Area Missouri Equal Rights Amendment Coalition Records 1972-1982

The collection contains administrative records for the Kansas City regional office relating to the effort to pass the Equal Rights Amendment in Missouri. It includes minutes, bylaws, correspondence, newsletters, clippings, financial documents, speeches, reports, and other materials, dated between 1972 and 1982.

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K0516 Frank E. Brennan Papers 1967-1971

Personal papers of Brennan, a civic leader and former City Council member of Kansas City, MO.

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K0517 Dwayne R. Martin Papers 1870-1890

Research notes, computer printouts, and drafts of Martin's UMKC MA Thesis, "the Hidden Community: The Black Community of Kansas City, Missouri, During the 1870s and 1880s."

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K0518 Metropolitan Information Network (MINET) Records 1976-1980

Business and organization records of this Library network group within the Greater Kansas City area.

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K0519 Kansas City Study of Adult Life Records 1952-1963

Interviews, surveys and research notes pertaining to a series of studies carried out by the Committee on Human Development, University of Chicago. Included are case files, organizational files, reports, blank forms and study samples.

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K0520 William James Anderson, Jr. Kansas City Scrapbook 1900-ca. 1960

Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings concerning Kansas City history.

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K0521 William James Anderson, Jr. Jackson County and Independence Scrapbook 1900-ca. 1950

Scrapbook of clippings concerning Jackson County and Independence, MO history.

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K0522 William James Anderson, Jr. Western History Scrapbook 1900-ca. 1960

Scrapbook of clippings concerning Western American history.

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K0523 William Rensing Papers 1945-1986

Photographs, newspaper articles concerning the works of the German-born, Kansas City area sculptor.

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K0524 Modern Jeweler [journal] 1901-1981

Jewelers' trade journal published in Kansas City, MO.

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K0525 Noelle Louis Soren Papers 1904-2008  Finding Aid
K0526 Clyde H. Porter Collection 1958

Research notes and papers of Porter and his wife Mae Reed Porter, regarding families engaged in the fur trade in the Kansas City area, and the American West. Included are files on the Chouteau Family of Kansas City, the Charbonneau Family, Moses "Black" Harris, and the Thomas Vasquez Family.

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K0527 Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Records 1856-1990

Organization records of the Commerce including general files of clippings, brochures, and correspondence; photographs; and slides, motion picture film, videotape, and audiotape.

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K0528 Native Sons of Kansas City Photograph Collection 1824-1960

An artificial collection of photographs from various sources collected by the Native Sons and Daughters of Greater Kansas City.

K0529 Kansas City Jewish Chronicle Records 1920-2006

Notes, photographs, negatives, and publications of a regional Jewish newspaper.

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K0530 Nytta Noje och Enighet (N.N.& E.) Lodge Records 1876-1978

Records of a Swedish society established in Kansas City, MO. Includes ledgers, treasurers' records, correspondence, membership files, and photographs.

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K0531 Old Plainsmen Association Records 1909-1917

Minute book and other documents relating to an association of men and women who had crossed the American Plains. Also includes "old settlers", early settlers in Jackson County, MO.

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K0532 Gabriel Artenstine Letter 1864

Letter from Artenstine, member of the Kansas Militia to acquaintance Oscar Braecklein, a Kansas City druggist, concerning the militias deployment to the Battle of Westport.

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K0533 William H. Dennis Letter 1861

Letter from a private in the Illinois 7th Cavalry from Camp Butler, IL and camp live and news.

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K0534 Kenneth L. Browne Collection no date

Humorous letter concerning events in Kansas City, including a dance.

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K0535 Thomas E. Souper Letter 1865

Souper, treasurer of the Missouri State Board of Immigration, writing to insurance firm, Getty & Liebing of Philadelphia, PA concerning a missing draft. More interesting is the letterhead of the Board on which the letter is written.

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K0536 George M. Chase Papers 1862-1940

Letter and document ["passport"] identifying Chase, a Kansas City merchant from Maine, interstate travel Maine to Kansas City during the Civil War.

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K0537 William Hornbuckle Davis Papers 1839

Certificate for land purchase from the United State Land Office in Lexington, MO for property in Johnson County, MO.

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K0538 Alfred Perry Warfield Papers 1853-1896

Check payable from C.R. Taylor to Warfield, just prior to his coming to Westport, MO where he becomes a prominent merchant, land owner, and one-time mayor.

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K0539 David Surface Letter 1869

Letter to attorney John C. Gage soliciting assistance in obtaining restitution for his farm and property destroyed by Federal troops carrying out Order #11 in Jackson County, MO during the Civil War.

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K0540 William Weston Papers 1871-1873

Documents relating to City financial transactions of debt bonds made by Weston, treasurer of City of Kansas.

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K0541 William Augustus Harnsberger Papers 1899-1911

Letterpress volume of personal and professional correspondence of a prominent attorney in Kansas City, MO.

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K0542 Business Men's Portraits of 1897, 1937 1897, 1937

Photograph portraits of prominent Kansas City, MO businessmen removed from the first Convention Hall Cornerstone (1897).

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K0543 Cydney Millstein Papers 1990-2022

Research and business records related to Ms. Millstein's work as an architectural historian. Includes notes, clippings, surveys, maps, architectural drawings, and photographs.

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K0544 CrossCurrents Culture Unlimited Records 1980-2009

Organizational records and sound recordings of a not-for-profit which produces concerts, plays and community events.

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K0545 Theodore H. Seligson Architectural Collection 1950-1995

Administrative and financial records, correspondence, notes and other documents, and architectural drawings, by Seligson, and prominent Kansas City architect and educator, and his various firms.

K0546 Robert S. O'Keefe Papers 1911-1987

Personal papers of former Senior Vice President of J.C. Nichols Company. Includes publications, photographs, slides, clippings, speeches.

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K0547 Katz Drug Stores Records 1957-1964

Printed material chiefly concerned with merchandising and promotions of products in electrical and hardware departments in his particular departments, but also relating to the chain as a whole. Also speeches, reports, other items

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K0548 Ansel Nichols Mitchell Family Papers 1890-1975

Personal and financial papers, correspondence, news clippings, and photographs of Mitchell, nephew of real estate developer J.C. Nichols, and onetime vice-president of the J.C. Nichols Company, and his wife and daughters. Also information on their parents, William Ansel and Maude Nichols Mitchell and Robert P. and Bertha Dicken Woods; and documents and photographs relating to J. C. Nichols and his family.

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K0550 Howard Frederic Sachs Papers 1960-1981

Personal, family and professional papers of Federal Judge with the Western Missouri District Court. Also research and writings on the history of the Jewish community in Kansas City, MO.

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K0551 New Santa Fe Historical Society Records 1866-2009

Organizational records and research materials of a historical society in south Kansas City, MO. Also includes information on neighboring regions, and Watts Mill.

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K0552 Kansas City Interfaith Peace Alliance Records 1981-2004

Correspondence, publications, membership information, financial records, event information, photographs, audio recordings, and educational materials for an organization devoted to interfaith cooperation and peace.

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K0553 Sharp Family Papers 1845-1994

Personal correspondence, financial records, scrapbooks, slides, photographs and records the Sharp family and the Wells family of Kansas City, MO and Johnson County, KS. Includes the papers of Hazel Wells Sharp (1910-2002) an educator for more than 40 years who taught school in Kansas City, MO and in the Wiesbaden American Schools in Germany.

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K0554 James W. Scott Papers 1930-2007

Correspondence, paperwork, political cartoons, various notes and booklets written and/or collected by Scott, reporter, editor, and later vice president of the Kansas City Star Company.

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K0555 Christopher Jackson Clark Papers 1941-2014

The Christopher Jackson Clark Papers consist of correspondence, training and operation materials, publications, photographs, and artifacts pertaining to his career with Trans World Airlines, his contribution redefining retirement within the organization, and his involvement with Save-A-Connie.

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K0556 Kansas City Symphony Records 1934-2007

Organizational documents, including programs, contracts, sound recordings, public relations and advertising, and various administrative files of the Kansas City Philharmonic and its successor, the Kansas City Symphony.

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K0557 Thomas W. Records Papers 1866

Daily diary with entries on the weather; business activity; unusual events in the city such as runaway horses, Cholera, or the circus; record of visitors, letters written and received, and his travels during that year. Records was a merchant/farmer in Blue Springs, MO.

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K0558 Frank Paxton, Jr. Papers 1960-1997

Personal and business papers of Paxton, former president of Paxton Lumber Company and civic leader in Kansas City, MO. Includes material on the lumber business, and his interest in education and the Guadalupe Center. Also extensive genealogical research on the Paxton family.

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K0559 Barbara Ann Magerl Papers 1978-1993

Programs, printed materials, public relations related to Kansas City area historical and cultural activities collection by Magerl, a writer and local historian.

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K0560 Hy Vile Family Papers 1922-1984

Vile was a civic leader and founder and chairman of the board of Vile-Goller/Fine Arts Printing and Lithographing Co. Personal and professional correspondence of Vile including newspaper columns and manuscripts he wrote; materials related to his various community and civic activities; honors, awards and recognitions received; family history; and travel literature.

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K0561 Kansas City, MO vs. McCoy Records 1973-1976

Records and video tape of first court case in Missouri and the country permitting testimony by video.

K0562 Ona M. Gieschen Papers 1935-2005

Personal professional files and collected materials of former TWA hostess, supervisor and director of customer service, and historian of TWA. Also articles written by the Gieschen, histories and recollections by former employees, and correspondence between two pioneers of TWA, Hal Blackburn and Gordon "Parky" Parkinson. And research materials, photographs, and correspondence concerning Watts Mill and Dallas, MO.

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K0563 TWA Active Retired Pilots Association (TARPA) Records 1932-2007

Publications and records related to retired pilots of Trans World Airlines. Includes labor agreements, photographs of pilots, and seniority list.

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K0564 Dean William Miller Papers 1952-1979

Papers of Trans World Airlines (TWA) pilot. Includes TWA pilot training guides, operations manuals, handbooks, TWA Ambassador Magazine and various publications.

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K0565 James Ross Reed Papers 1949-1966

Articles, announcements, memorandum, newsletters, agreements, reports, and newspaper clippings on Flight Engineers' International Association's (FEIA) labor disputes from a flight engineer for Trans World Airlines (TWA).

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K0566 Busch Voigts Papers 1960s-2007

Papers of former Trans World Airlines (TWA) pilot. Includes correspondence, invitations, pilot newsletters, newspaper clippings, card decks, photographs, and a TWA booklet.

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K0567 Dan Rex Cornwell Papers 1960-2001

Technical training materials of Trans World Airlines (TWA) mechanic and maintenance instructor. Includes technical training materials related to various aircraft and technical training guides, handbooks, service guides, base maintenance manuals, operations training, electrical/mechanical handbooks, refueling guides, customer training, and system schematics.

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K0568 Larry Evert Gardner Collection 1995

Lithographs of TWA airplanes collected by 40 year employee of Trans World Airlines (TWA).

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K0569 Charles H. Horstmann Papers 1943-1998

The papers of Charles H. Horstmann contain collected information about Trans World Airlines (TWA) and Horstmann's career with TWA. In addition to Horstmann's biographical material, there are training manuals for new employees and management, correspondence between TWA and various employees, as well as newspaper clippings and other documents chronicling moments of TWA's history.

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K0570 R.L. (Lewis) Proctor Papers 1942-1952

Papers of TWA flight engineer R.L. Proctor include training manuals, a flight engineers handbook, Far East Survey Flight notebooks, a few photographs and biographical information.

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K0571 John H. Bing Scrapbook 1995

Scrapbook of Kansas City Star clippings collected by Bing, a former Trans World Airlines (TWA) employee.

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K0572 Walter W. Davis Papers 1948-2007

Davis was a flight engineer with Trans World Airlines (TWA). Includes newsletters, publications, clippings, handbooks, and reports, and employee agreements, an employee grievance pamphlet, a retirement handbook, and a copy of a legal Motion for Intervention filed by Flight Engineers

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K0573 Michele Ann Divine Papers 1965-1984

Uniforms and training materials of flight attendant with Trans World Airlines (TWA).

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K0574 James R. Loosen Papers 1930s-1950

Photographs of Trans World Airlines (TWA) pilots, flight attendants, and early airplanes. Loosen was a pilot and in Flight Operations management.

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K0575 Sara Lees Mason Papers 1951-1991

The Sara Lees Mason Papers contain correspondence, photographs, and training materials related to Mason's career as an airline hostess, in-flight supervisor, and director of customer service with Trans World Airlines.

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K0576 Suzan Houston Baker Papers 1965-2000

Papers of former Trans World Airlines (TWA) Flight Hostess, line and new hire instructor. Includes instructional materials, manuals, brochures, and flight information.

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K0577 Robert Anthony Pastore Papers 1985-2002

Papers from former member of Board of Directors of Trans World Airlines (TWA). Includes stockholder meeting reports, minutes, bankruptcy reports, annual reports, and miscellaneous reports.

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K0578 Nelda S. Higginbotham Papers 1952-2009

Papers and artifacts of former Trans World Airlines (TWA) hostess. Includes hostess pins and name tags, public relations photographs, promotional items, an emergency procedures handbook, a framed award, model airplanes.

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K0579 Henley Lafayette Cox Papers 1906-1925

Diplomas and transcripts relating to the educator of a Kansas City African-American educator.

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K0580 Western Chapter Missouri Society of Professional Engineers (MSPE) Auxiliary 1957-2009

Organizational records of a professional engineering auxiliary. Includes by-laws, annual reports, president's papers and reports, officer's reports, financial reports, rosters, publicity and photographs.

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K0581 Joseph Harry Vaughan, Jr. Papers 1968-1979

Audio broadcast newscasts made by Vaughan dealing with major news events in the metropolitan Kansas City, and Lawrence, Kansas areas.

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K0582 Morris B. Margolies Papers 1915-2010

Personal and professional papers including correspondence, letters, and cards to Margolies, Rabbi at Congregation Beth Shalom, and his wife Ruth, who was active in Hadassah, the Beth Shalom Sisterhood, and the Women's League for Conservative Judaism. Also lectures (VHS) Rabbi Margolies gave at Beth Shalom during and after his tenure as Rabbi.

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K0583 Maurice David Solomon Papers 1950-2008

Articles, correspondence, photographs, and other items relating to Solomon, Rabbi at Kehilath Israel Synagogue, and to his wife, Betty Mallin Solomon.

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K0584 Swedish Pioneer Club #1 Kansas City, Missouri Records 1896-1978

Organizational records of the Club. Includes minutes, financial and membership records, and photographs.

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K0585 Frank Piepenbring, Jr. Papers 1933-2009

Personal papers of Kansas City area resident, businessman and World War II veteran. Includes correspondence, publications and printed materials, and World War II military training materials, maps, and photographs.

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K0586 Charles R. Kinslow Papers 1957-2002

Kinslow was technical expert in aircraft systems and procedures, and former Flight Instructor for Trans World Airlines and Federal Express. Includes flight and maintenance training materials, transparencies, wiring diagrams; also collected materials concerning Braniff, and Air Canada.

 Finding Aid
K0587 Frederick Marion Wanger World War One Collection 1917-1970

Personal papers of Wanger of St. Joseph, MO who served as Company Clerk of Company "A", 356th Infantry Regiment, 89th Division in World War I. Includes letters, photographs, a manuscript and printed history of Company "A, artifacts and other documents relation to Company "A", its service in the War and after, its reunions, and the American Legion.

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K0588 Frederick Marion Wanger Family Papers 1890-1956

Personal papers of Wanger, a Police Judge in St. Joseph, MO including photographs, letters, and family other documents.

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K0589 Keene, Simpson, & Murphy Architectural Records 1930-1980

Architectural drawings, office files including specifications, correspondence, financial records, photographs of a prominent Kansas City area architectural firm that designed such buildings as the Philtower Building in Tulsa, the Scottish Rite Temple and Jackson County Courthouses in Kansas City and Independence, MO.

K0590 Martha Patton Childers Collection 1957-2011

Family papers of Childers, her mother Louise Childers, and sister, Virginia Childers containing correspondence, memorabilia, personal diaries, and other papers documenting the lives of these women.

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K0591 Midwest Art History Society Records 1973-2014

Organizational records of the regional art history society. Includes minutes, membership information, correspondence, financial records, planning materials for meetings and conferences, and newsletters

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K0592 John T. Delich Collection 1914-2001

Architectural drawings, maps, photographs and aerial photos, and job specifications, primarily concerned with the Muehlebach Hotel, the Empire Theater, Gayety Theater, and other buildings in Kansas City, MO area.

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K0593 Greater Kansas City Chapter of Hadassah Records 1916-2010

Organizational records of a Jewish women's organization dedicated to strengthening the relationship between the United States and Israel.

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K0594 Laurel E. Wilson Papers 1860-2008

Research files of Wilson, Professor Emerita and former curator of the Missouri Historic Costume and Textile Collection-University of Missouri-Columbia, concerning the history of the Kansas City Garment Industry.

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K0595 Kansas City Star Magazine Collection 1924-1926, 1970-1983

A near complete set of the short-lived art and culture magazine published by the Kansas City Star newspaper.

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K0596 Joseph J. Oshiver Papers 1933-2005

Architectural drawings and other records for Kansas City architect Oshiver, as well as research and other materials relating to Sacred Structures, the Jewish Community in the Kansas City area, and other personal and professional activities.

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K0597 Nigro Corporation Records 1941-1987

Business records including architectural drawings, property abstracts, surveys, correspondence, and photographs of properties in the Waldo area of Kansas City,

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K0598 Ralph Elbert Myers Sr. Papers 1942-1993

One of the partners is the premier Kansas City architectural firm, Kivett and Myers. Includes scrapbook of Myers career, a CD history of Kivett and Myers, slides of buildings and places, and the slides and audio tape for the production of Architecture USA and DVD of the film produced by Myers.

 Finding Aid
K0599 Missouri Institute for Justice, Inc. Records 1964-2007

Records of an organization created to educate citizens and lawyers about the "Missouri Nonpartisan Court Plan", an amendment to the Missouri Constitution approved in 1940. Includes minutes, correspondence, reports, publications, and financial records. Also project files for the Law Student Ordinance Revision Program and film footage for an educational series entitled, "Your Day in Court".

K0600 Shepherd's Center-Central Kansas City, MO Records 1972-2011

Organizational records of the local chapter, the first for the life-long education and support services for the aging national organization. Includes board of directors' minutes, annual reports, photographs, news clippings, and scrapbooks.

 Finding Aid
K0601 Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA) of Kansas City, Kansas Records 1924-1992

Organizational records including minutes, financial records, programs, rosters, photographs, slides, films, scrapbooks, and architectural records.

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K0602 Congregation Beth Shalom Records 1917-2002

Organizational records including minutes, financial records, correspondence, commemorative booklets, brochures, speeches, photographs, VHS cassettes of rabbinical lectures, religious activities, and various school programs.

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K0603 Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood Records 1961-2006

Organizational records of the Sisterhood including by-laws, committee reports, financial documents, meeting minutes, photographs, and scrapbooks related to the year's activities including meetings, conferences, and social gatherings.

 Finding Aid
K0604 P.E.O. Reciprocity Group of Greater Kansas City Records 1916-1995

Organizational records of a women's educational and philanthropic club including minutes, a history of P.E.O., lists of presidents and officers, membership directories, state convention programs, and slides and program notes of Cottey College.

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K0605 American Guild of Organists, Greater Kansas City Chapter Records 1934-2008

Organizational records including scrapbooks, minutes, membership records, and printed and published materials, programs, clippings, and photographs.

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