University of Missouri Reports to U.S. Bureau of Education, 1892-1900 (C3329)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
These records include three types of reports: 1) reports listing expenditures, number of faculty and students, value of property/equipment, and library holdings; 2) scholastic reports giving breakdown of students into various fields, kinds of degrees offered, and University’s income; and 3) supplementary statistical reports. Reports for University and School of Mines.
University of Missouri School of Journalism Scrapbook, circa 1909-1913 (P0162)
725 photographs
The Journalism school scrapbooks (circa 1909-1913) contain images believed to have been taken by one of the student photographers for the University yearbook, the Savitar. In addition to showing everyday academic and student life, photos depict a tour of the state prison in Jefferson City, athletic events, fraternity hazing, the Farmers' Fair, St. Patrick's Day events and homecoming parades. Other areas covered include Christian College and Stephens College, including images of students at Lake Okoboji, Iowa.
University of Missouri Scientific Association Records, 1895-1916 (C0161)
0.2 cubic feet (10 folders)
Constitutions of the organization, correspondence, lists of speakers and their subjects, and forms for the speakers to fill out in connection with their speech. Constitution, minutes, and roll of the organization from 2 February 1895 until 19 January 1916.
University of Missouri, Agricultural Extension Service Records, 1908-1963 (C2513)
1.5 cubic feet
The records of the University of Missouri Agricultural Extension Service contain histories, letters, reports, memoranda, speeches, maps, publications, newspaper articles, and pictures concerning Missouri Agricultural Extension Service and U.S. Department of Agriculture policies; agricultural, home economics, and 4-H extension work; and the College of Agriculture.
University of Missouri, Board of Curators Records, 1839-1932 (C0920)
125 rolls of microfilm
Minutes of meetings, records, and papers of the Board.
University of Missouri, Business Operations Records, 1868-1959 (C0982)
343 rolls of microfilm
Material from various University offices which handle business operations. Early material is from the secretary's office.
University of Missouri Charts, 1843-1925 (C1708)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Three charts about the University of Missouri. One lists the number of men and women enrolled, 1843-1925; the second lists names, addresses, and degrees granted the first women graduates, 1870-1922; the third lists total number of students who received degrees, 1870-1924.
University of Missouri Collection, 1859-1962 (C3763)
0.1 cubic feet (5 folders)
Miscellaneous printed material pertaining to the university. Includes an 1859 catalog of students, graduates, faculty, and courses; photograph of cadets, 1880s; and items from the Colleges of Arts and Science (1946) and Education (1916, 1962) and School of Journalism (1923, 1926).
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture Records, 1879-1948 (C0921)
50 rolls microfilm
The records of the University of Missouri, College of Agriculture include records and correspondence of students, faculty, and the administration mostly during the tenure of Dean Frederick B. Mumford. The records document programs such as Farmers’ Week, College exhibits at the Missouri State Fair, and cooperation with the U.S. Council of National Defense during World War I.
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture Records, 1889-1941 (C3471)
10.75 cubic feet (553 folders, 179 lantern slides), 2 oversize volumes
Office correspondence of Henry J. Waters, who from 1895 to 1909 was dean of the College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, professor of agriculture, and director of the experiment station at the University of Missouri.
University of Missouri, College of Agriculture, Photographs, 1909-1921 (P0154)
0.25 linear feet
Various views of agriculture, buildings, students, and other related images taken from an early filmstrip developed by the college.
University of Missouri, College of Arts and Science Records, 1908-1965 (C3406)
67.8 cubic feet (5331 folders, 4 volumes)
The records of the College of Arts and Science contain correspondence, reports and forms from the dean’s office discussing faculty, administration, policies, courses, committees, conferences and specific problems, in addition to correspondence and reports pertaining to Missouri Bible College, Missouri College Union, and junior college accreditation.
University of Missouri College of Arts and Science Records, 1901-1945 (C1044)
48 rolls of microfilm
Records and papers from the office of the College of Arts and Science.
University of Missouri, College of Education Centennial Papers, 1893-1959 (C2601)
0.3 cubic feet
Papers collected by the College of Education for its centennial celebration. Papers of C.A. Phillips and L.M. Defoe, and material on the experiments, studies, and programs of the laboratory school.
University of Missouri, Committee on Accredited Schools and Colleges Records, 1904-1967 (CA3913)
10.4 cubic feet
Addition to records largely consists of material on the accreditation of schools and colleges in Missouri.
University of Missouri, Debating Club Record Book, 1902-1913 (C1181)
0.06 cubic feet (1 volume)
The record book contains the secretary's record, including minutes of meetings and membership.
University of Missouri, Department of Agricultural Chemistry Records, 1909-1934 (C4679)
4 cubic feet (89 folders, 42 oversize items)
The records of the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, including correspondence, photographs, research records, and building blueprints.
University of Missouri, Department of Agricultural Economics Records, 1906-1966 (C0010)
26 cubic feet (2,172 folders)
The records of departments of farm management (1910-1919), rural life (1919-1926), and agricultural economics (1926-1966), chaired by D. Howard Doane and O.R. Johnson.
University of Missouri, Department of Anatomy Records, 1908-1950 (C2515)
2.0 cubic feet
The records of the University of Missouri Department of Anatomy contain departmental papers and correspondence with other departments, colleges, and university officials.
University of Missouri, Department of Botany Records, 1894-1956 (C3453)
28.8 cubic feet (2122 folders)
University of Missouri, Department of Forestry Records, 1904-1921 (C3349)
0.6 cubic feet (57 folders)
The records of the Department of Forestry contain correspondence, leases, maps, and miscellaneous material regarding the sale and leasing of land owned by the Department of Forestry at the time the department was part of the College of Agriculture.
University of Missouri, Department of History Records, 1909-1937 (C0054)
2 cubic feet (174 folders)
Correspondence of Jonas Viles about scheduling courses, exams, deficiencies, recommendations, applications, illness of Professor Mike H. Cochran, work on dissertations, and transfer vouchers for office supplies. Also personal correspondence.
University of Missouri, Department of Physics Records, 1880s-1990s (CA4799)
54 cubic feet, 5 oversize items, 1 oversize volume
Correspondence, departmental records, teaching and research materials, and materials related to the National Science Foundation Summer Institute and the O.M. Stewart Fund.
University of Missouri, Department of Zoology Records, 1897-1963 (C3402)
1.8 cubic feet (101 folders)
The records contain departmental correspondence, 1958-1963, and the papers of W.C. Curtis, department member from 1901-1962.
University of Missouri, English Club Papers, 1903 (C0098)
0.25 cubic feet (12 folders)
Papers of the club, including stories, songs, and poems written by members of the organization in 1903. Roll of members, and part of a letter to Emma Simmons.
University of Missouri Graduation Programs, 1902 (C2353)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
The collection contains programs for baccalaureate Sunday and commencement exercises. The commencement program lists recipients of awards, certificates and degrees.
University of Missouri, Laws Observatory Records, 1877-1954 (C3401)
6.2 cubic feet (300 folders)
Correspondence, class materials, reports, publications, and observing records of the observatory.
University of Missouri, New Era Debating Club Record Book, 1902-1908 (C0878)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Minutes of meetings, membership lists, and drill of the club. Also a copy of its 1897 constitution.
University of Missouri, New Era Debating Club Record Book, 1896-1902 (C1184)
0.07 cubic feet (1 volume)
Constitution, minutes of meetings, and membership lists of the club.
University of Missouri Papers, 1840-1929 (C0181)
0.1 cubic feet
Circulars, receipts, bills, resolutions, petitions, and other miscellaneous items.
University of Missouri Papers, 1903 (C0372)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Commencement week program, 1903. Booklet, "Songs of Missouri."
University of Missouri Postcards, 1907-1911 (C2427)
0.06 cubic feet (3 folders)
Postcards of the University of Missouri written to and from Ethel McDonald, 1907-1911. Includes pictures of the administration building before and after the 1892 fire, the columns, campus buildings, the 1907 football team, A. Rose Hill, the Columbia Club, and a copy of the alma mater, "Old Missouri." One postcard to J.H. Kempster, 1909.
University of Missouri, President's Club Record Book, 1906 (C3583)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
First pages of the record book of the President’s Club, organized February 6, 1906. Includes charter members, minutes of meeting, and constitution.
University of Missouri, Notes on President's House, 1841-1926 (C2422)
0.02 cubic feet (1 folder)
Notes on the residence provided for the president of the University of Missouri.
University of Missouri, President's Office Papers, 1892-1966 (C2582)
55 cubic feet
The papers of the University of Missouri President's Office contain records from the administrations of Richard Henry Jesse, A. Rose Hill, J.C. Jones, Stratton D. Brooks, Walter Williams, Frederick A. Middlebush, and Elmer Ellis.
University of Missouri Record Books, 1848-1929 (C3116)
12 volumes
Miscellaneous early record books of the University of Missouri, including accounts kept by the treasurer of the Board of Curators of salaries and expenditures, records pertaining to agricultural experiment station, inventory and appraisement of university holdings, and material on Students Protective Association and memorial union and stadium campaign.
University of Missouri, School of Business and Public Administration Records, 1907-1952 (C3482)
20.2 cubic feet (1844 folders)
University of Missouri, School of Medicine Records, c. 1902-1959 (C3651)
10.5 cubic feet (743 folders)
Correspondence, minutes, annual reports, and other materials, arranged chronologically by dean. Information on personnel, Student Health Service, Crippled Children's Service, controversy over location of clinical training, and physical plant.
University of Missouri, School of Mines and Metallurgy Papers, 1870-1948 (C3110)
8.2 cubic feet
Records of the school from the formative years, including financial, student, political, and executive papers. Also contains papers documenting the school's relationship with the U.S. Public Works Administration and U.S. Work Projects Administration.
University of Missouri, THE INDEPENDENT Record Book, 1904-1910 (C2486)
0.08 cubic feet (1 volume)
The collection contains minutes of the meetings of the board of the university newspaper, THE INDEPENDENT.
University of Missouri, Union Literary Society Record Books, 1842-1916 (C0448)
0.8 cubic feet
Constitution and amendments, roll of members, and proceedings of meetings.
University of Missouri, William Jennings Bryan Prize Essays, 1901-1925 (C0914)
0.16 cubic feet (8 folders)
First-prize essays written in competition for the William Jennings Bryan Prize at the University of Missouri, 1901, 1902, 1906, 1908, 1909, 1913, 1914, and 1925.
University of Missouri, Williams S. Woods Prize Essays, 1901-1909 (C0916)
0.04 cubic feet (2 folders)
Essays submitted for the William S. Woods Prize at the University of Missouri.
University Y, YMCA, and YWCA Records, 1900s-1970s (CA2632)
19 cubic feet, 2 oversize volumes
Correspondence, minutes, conference materials, reports, newsletters, financial records, membership lists, photographs, and miscellany.
Lucile Morris Upton Papers, 1823-1986 (C3869)
1 cubic foot, 25 rolls of microfilm (599 folders, 71 volumes), 1 video cassette
The personal and professional papers of a Springfield, Missouri, journalist and writer consist of newspaper clippings, correspondence, research notes, manuscripts, pamphlets, photographs, and scrapbooks. The papers are especially strong in the history of Springfield and the Ozarks region, and in Ozark folklore.
Florence Wyman Richardson Usher Scrapbooks, 1909-1913 (S0059)
1 microfilm roll
Florence Wyman Richardson Usher helped found the Equal Suffrage League of St. Louis in 1910. She chaired the League's lecture committee for six years and was a member of the board of governors in 1912. The scrapbooks in this collection document suffrage activities both nationally and in St. Louis. They include news clippings, correspondence, public notices, programs, leaflets, and Usher's annotations.
Kathleen Van Buskirk Papers, 1845-2003 (SP0096)
7 cubic feet (294 folders, 1 video cassette, 21 audio cassettes, 2,271 photographs, 2,607 negatives, 327 slides)
The Kathleen Van Buskirk Papers contain manuscripts, correspondence, research, genealogy, cemetery records, publications, and photographs from Kathleen Van Buskirk, a journalist and regional historian who spent most of her career writing about the people, culture, and history of the Ozarks and White River Valley.
Kathleen Van Buskirk Papers, c. 1870s-1990s (CA6208)
6 cubic feet, 1 video cassette
Manuscripts and research materials of an author who wrote about the Ozarks. Includes records of the Taneyhills Library Club of Branson, Missouri, and genealogy files on several families.
Van Horn Tavern Collection, 1829-2013 (C4634)
0.2 cubic feet (7 folders, 1 CD)
The collection contains clippings, photographs, correspondence, an appraisal, and miscellaneous material concerning the Van Horn Tavern in Boone County, Missouri, compiled by Patrick Dougherty. Includes an audio interview with Fergene Goddin Sims, whose family lived in the tavern in the early 1900s.
Robert Thompson Van Horn Papers, 1855-1907 (C1032)
0.15 cubic feet (7 folders)
The papers of Robert Thompson Van Horn contain correspondence and miscellaneous papers of a Kansas City journalist who served as a lieutenant colonel with the 25th Regiment of Missouri Volunteers, as mayor of Kansas City, and as a U.S. congressman.