Springfield Manuscript Collections

Collection Number Title Collection Dates Description Finding Aid
SP0001 William M. Damron Papers 1905-1914

The William Damron Papers consist of the diary of William Moses Damron, a Freewill Baptist minister in Jasper County. They detail his certification as a Freewill Baptist Minister, his calculations for mileage, notations for his sermons, and dates on which he preached.


 Finding Aid
SP0002 Brightwell Family Papers 1860-1996

The Brightwell Family Papers consist of the personal papers and business ledgers of the Brightwell family, particularly those pertaining to the land deeds and business dealings of John Brightwell from Taney County. Also included is genealogical information for the Brightwell family and family stories as told by Hillary Brightwell.      

 Finding Aid
SP0003 Songs From the Ozarks Childhood, Music Manuscript 1924-1942

The Songs From an Ozarks Childhood, Music Manuscript consists of the lyrics of Ozarks folk songs, as well as an audio recording of Sybil Irene (Shipley) Jobe singing the songs.

 Finding Aid
SP0004 Suzanne Wilson Papers 1959-2009

The Suzanne Wilson Papers consist of the fiction, nonfiction, and personal correspondence of free-lance writer Suzanne Wilson (1937-   ). The papers cover a variety of topics, but many deal with nature. The bulk of her work was created for Scouting Magazine.    

 Finding Aid
SP0005 S. Fred Prince Papers 1899-1999

The S. Fred Prince Papers document the work of a naturalist and illustrator who spent many years studying the geology and ecology of the Southwest Missouri Ozarks. They also include the research conducted by Suzanne Wilson, a freelance writer who published an article in the Missouri Conservationist magazine about Prince’s life and work. The collection consists of copies of Prince’s unpublished original manuscripts along with interviews and correspondence that Wilson conducted with those who knew Prince or had possession of his work. 

 Finding Aid
SP0006 Cummins Family Photographs 1850-1934

The Cummins Family Photographs consist of multiple portraits of adults, children, and candid shots of the family. Also included is some family correspondence, created from 1910 to 1934.   

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SP0007 Cowan Family Papers 1855-2013

The Cowan Family Papers contain correspondence and financial records pertaining to Frank Cowan and his property in Barton County, Missouri. Other materials include documents and photographs relating to the history of the Golden City High School.        

 Finding Aid
SP0008 Bangert Family Papers 1923-1994

The Bangert Family Papers chronicle two generations of the Bangert Family. They consist mostly of the personal papers of Nell Mabrey Bangert and the genealogy and family photographs of her husband’s family. Also included is material chronicling her teaching career, including photographs of her students, which have been organized by year.

 Finding Aid
SP0009 Southwest Missouri Resource Conservation and Development Records 1964-2011

The records consist of the financial documents, correspondence, project notes and publications pertaining to the operation of the non-profit environmental organization known as Southwest Missouri Resource Conservation and Development. 

 Finding Aid
SP0010 Branson, Missouri, Lodging Postcards 1937-1972

The Branson, Missouri, Lodging Postcards collection includes postcards and a travel brochure from several motels and lodges that existed in Branson during its emergence as a tourist destination. The collection focuses on the Anchor Travel Village.

 Finding Aid
SP0011 Charles Henry Howerton Oral History 1911-1950

The Charles Howerton Oral History contains an oral history interview with Charles Howerton conducted by his daughter, Sue Howerton Victoria, and son-in-law, Doug Victoria. The interviews took place on June 30, 1995, July 4, 1995, and July 6, 1995.

 Finding Aid
SP0012 Duval Family Photographs 1858-1942

The Duval Family Photographs depict the lives of families from McDonald County, Missouri. The collection contains many photographs featuring Claib E. Duval, his family members, and other families who lived in the area. The collection also includes numerous documents relating to people and businesses from the county.    

 Finding Aid
SP0013 McDonald County Secession Papers 1961-2015

The McDonald County Secession papers contain photocopied newspaper articles dealing with the publicity surrounding the McDonald County secession hoax from Missouri in 1961.        

 Finding Aid
SP0014 Ruby Rose Stauber Photographs 1959-1982

The photographs of Ruby “Rose” Stauber depict life in the Woman’s Army Corps from 1952-1978. Of particular interest are the photographs of women in basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri and Fort McClellan, Alabama. Rose’s photographs also contain images of female generals at Fort McClellan, such as Mildred Inez Caroon Bailey and Elisabeth Hoisington. The collection also documents the people she encountered in her world travels during her military career.   

 Finding Aid
SP0015 Ruby Rose Stauber Papers 1777-2016

The papers of Rose Stauber contain the personal papers of Ruby Rose Stauber. They include correspondence, genealogical research, family photographs, and material related to Rose’s 31 years of service in the Women’s Army Corp.

 Finding Aid
SP0016 Missouri Postcard Collection 1907-1971

The Missouri Postcard Collection contains postcards featuring images from around the state of Missouri. Materials continue to be added to the collection.

 Finding Aid
SP0017 Southwest Missouri Collection 1864-2014

The Southwest Missouri Collection is an artificial collection combining miscellaneous small acquisitions related to southwest Missouri individuals, places, organizations, and events. Material continues to be added to the collection.

 Finding Aid
SP0018 Mabrey Family Papers 1854-1964

The Mabrey family papers consist of the diaries and letters of Henry Yeakley Mabrey and his son, George Henry Mabrey.                 

 Finding Aid
SP0019 Tri-State Mining Superfund Site 1945-2018

The Tri-State Mining Superfund Site records contain the research of Shanen Givone into the environmental impact of nuclear contamination and mining in the Joplin area and into Kansas.

 Finding Aid
SP0020 Lawrence Leroy O'Kelley Papers 1918-1919

The Lawrence Leroy O’Kelley Papers document O’Kelley’s experiences in France during WWI from April 1918 to October 1918. The collection also contains postcards, a cd of unidentified family photographs, and a certificate awarded to O’Kelley in 1919 for wounds he received in the war.

 Finding Aid
SP0021 Ozark Area Amateur Film Collection 1957-1964

The Ozarks Area Amateur Film Collection contains fourteen reels of home movie footage featuring the Ozarks including Springfield, Nixa, Table Rock Dam, and St. John’s School of Nursing. 

 Finding Aid
SP0022 Amish Scrapbooks 1989-1999

The Amish Scrapbooks collection consists of the writings of Noah Gingerich about the lives of his family and friends. The bulk of his work was created for Budget newspaper, a paper specializing in reporting the experiences of Amish and Mennonite community members in Sugarcreek, Ohio, and across the nation.    

 Finding Aid
SP0023 Wherritt and Tunnel Scrapbooks 1950-1970

The Wherritt and Tunnell Scrapbooks collection contains thirteen scrapbooks created by sisters Mary Wherritt and Mildred Tunnell. The scrapbooks documents trips they took around the United States and Europe from the 1950s to the 1970s.

 Finding Aid
SP0024 Harry J. Beagles Scrapbook 1918-1919

The Harry J. Beagles Scrapbook documents Beagle’s service in France during World War I.

 Finding Aid
SP0025 "At The Funeral of an Ozarks Farm Widow" Collection 2017

The “At the Funeral of an Ozark Farm Widow” Collection consists of a written account of a funeral of an elderly widow in a fictional Ozark town in 1980. The account, written by the widow’s son-in-law, portrays the interactions of the family during and after the funeral and the ensuing fighting that resulted over the widow’s will. The manuscript details actual events, but all names and locations have been changed for the sake of privacy

 Finding Aid
SP0026 Rose O'Neill Papers 1863-1990

The Rose O’Neill Papers consist of the personal correspondence of Rose O’Neill and her family members and friends.    

 Finding Aid
SP0027 Claude Turner Papers 1942-1944

The Claude Turner papers consist of letters written by Claude Turner to his family in Webb City during World War II.  Claude served on the USS Spence.          

 Finding Aid
SP0028 Beaver Family Papers 1890-1986

The Beaver Family Papers consist of genealogical research, personal correspondence and photographs of the Beaver and Hudson families. 

 Finding Aid
SP0029 Seneca Missouri Scrapbooks 1898-1992

The Seneca, Missouri, Scrapbooks were compiled by Virginia Hoare and contain photographs, newspaper clippings, and articles about the history of Seneca, Missouri.          


 Finding Aid
SP0030 Fort Leonard Wood Photograph 1953

The Fort Leonard Wood Photograph collection consists of an oversized image of the members of Company B, 44th Armored Infantry Battalion, stationed at Fort Leonard Wood in 1953. 

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SP0031 Missouri Photographs Collection 1912-1954

The Missouri Photographs Collection consists of various photographs from the state of Missouri, as well as several postcards for attractions around the state, including Meramec Caverns. The collection also contains an address book dated 1954. 

 Finding Aid
SP0032 Eisenmayer Family Papers 1842-1983

The Eisenmayer Family Papers consist of documents pertaining to the Eisenmayer Family and the Eisenmayer Milling Company in Springfield, Missouri. The collection also includes examples of the flour sacks used by the company, genealogical research, photographs, and materials related to the history of Greene County, Missouri.    

 Finding Aid
SP0033 Laclede High School Play 1918

The Laclede High School Play consists of a script for The Thread of Destiny, a play set during the American Civil War, which was performed on April 25, 1918, by the Senior Class of Laclede High School, located in Linn County, Missouri. 

 Finding Aid
SP0034 War Time Recipes 1917

The War Time Recipes Cookbook collection consists of a cookbook, featuring meals that conserve wheat, meat, sugar, and fats because of World War I rationing. The cookbook also features a display of advertisements for local companies and public service announcements made by the United States Government.

 Finding Aid
SP0035 Eleanor O'Day Scrapbooks 1868-1946

The Eleanor O’Day Scrapbooks contain newspaper clippings about members of the O’Day family, and topics that Eleanor O’Day found interesting.

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SP0036 Ray Gene and Betty Richardson Papers no date

The Ray Gene and Betty Richardson Papers contain genealogy, research, and personal papers of Ray Gene and Betty Richardson of Lawrence County, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
SP0037 Margaret Marston Mansfield Scrapbook 1882-1951

The Margaret Marston Mansfield Scrapbook collection consists of a scrapbook compiled by Margaret Marston Mansfield. It contains newspaper articles she found interesting or relevant to her life, including information about her brother, Charles E. Marston, one of the first deans of what is now Missouri State University.              

 Finding Aid
SP0038 Larry James Collection 1874-2019

The Larry James Collection consists of photographs taken and collected by local historian and author Larry James. Photographs in this collection were also taken by freelance writer and photographer, Charles Townson Allonby. The books in this collection were written or co-written by Larry James and focus on the history of Newton County, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
SP0039 Herbert Kleyboecker Papers 1918-1919

The Herbert Kleyboecker Papers contain his World War I correspondence from 1918 to 1919. His letters, written to his family in St. Louis, Missouri, contains detailed descriptions of basic training in Kansas, life in camp, opinions on the participation of African-American troops, conscientious objectors, trench warfare, and the treatment of the wounded in allied hospitals.

 Finding Aid
SP0040 Choate Family Papers 1837-1860

The Choate Family Papers consist of correspondence between John K. Choate and his siblings, Aaron, Tom, and Elisabeth.

 Finding Aid
SP0041 Turner Family Papers 1894-1925

The Turner Family Papers consists of correspondence between Thirza Smerdon Turner, her daughter Leona Turner, and other family and friends. The letters discuss travel, social interactions, and local gossip.          

 Finding Aid
SP0042 Brandt and Grant Family Papers 1933-2000

The Brandt and Grant Family Papers contains 35 diaries written by Lena K. Grant from 1933 to 1976. They document the travels of her family during her husband’s many deployments, to places like the Philippines, Korea, and Crown Point, Indiana. The collection also contains clippings, pamphlets, a baby book, photographs and other mementos from the family’s life.      

 Finding Aid
SP0043 The Southwest Missouri Tourism Collection 1950-1960

The Southwest Missouri Tourism Collection contains brochures, pamphlets, advertisements, and restaurant menus from locations across southwest Missouri. Material continues to be added to the collection.

 Finding Aid
SP0044 Purcell Family Photographs 1903-1951

The Purcell Family Photographs collection contains photographs of the Purcell family and the Bois D'Arc, Missouri area. The photographs were taken between 1903 and 1951. It includes photographs of the Fairview school, which was a one-room schoolhouse in Pierce City, Missouri, which the Purcell children attended. The Purcell children are portrayed from childhood to adulthood.   

 Finding Aid
SP0045 Greene County Abstracts of Title 1846-1976

The Greene County Abstracts of Title collection contains abstracts of properties located in Greene County. It includes the abstract for property owned by Springfield, Missouri, attorney Henry C. Young, the abstract of a home located at 2400 S. McCann in Springfield, and a home located in the Rosewood sub division in Springfield.

 Finding Aid
SP0046 Dunnegan Family Papers 1852-1997

The Dunnegan Family Papers consist of photographs, military papers from the Civil War and World War I, souvenirs and ephemera from Civil War reunions, legal and official documents, maps,  local history publications and a notebook featuring the notes about a Middle School student’s favorite 1940s college sports teams. The papers were collected by members of the Dunnegan family from Bolivar, Missouri, but information about the Stalling family is also included.   

 Finding Aid
SP0047 Southwest Missouri Map Collection 1833-2003

The Southwest Missouri Map Collection contains city, county, highway, geographical, topographical, and mining maps. The maps focus on the southern and western counties in Missouri including Greene, Henry, Jasper, Lawrence, McDonald, Newton, Stone, and Taney counties.

 Finding Aid
SP0048 James Washington Woodard Papers 1862-1867

James Washington Woodard Papers consist of Civil War letters that recount the horror of war, camp life, the fate of comrades at the battles of Corinth and Vicksburg, and the movements of General Sterling Price’s army as they evacuated Missouri in 1862 and 1863. The collection consists of six letters written by a Confederate Lieutenant serving in Company D, 5th Missouri Infantry, 1st Brigade. Also included is a document dealing with an 1867 property transfer from his wife’s family, the Lemmons, to his widow.

 Finding Aid
SP0049 Elsey Carriage Company Photographs 1908-1983

The Elsey Carriage Company Photographs collection contains images of vehicles built by the company from 1905, when the company opened, to 1927 when the name of the company changed. Missouri and Arkansas businesses commissioned Elsey to build vehicles of various designs that were decorated to their specifications. A 1983 newspaper article gives the history of the company.

 Finding Aid
SP0050 Carnahan Family Oral History Collection 2001-2002

The Carnahan Family Oral History Collection consists of nineteen cassette tapes featuring interviews with family members of Governor Mel Carnahan. They were interviewed by Alex Primm two to four months following the Governor’s death in a plane crash on October 16, 2000. 

 Finding Aid
SP0051 Shirey Family Papers 1855-1959

The Shirey Family Papers contain documents belonging to Etta Shirey and her family, including letters and postcards addressed to Etta, two diaries she kept, and her childhood school notes. The collection also contains publications that the Shirey family saved.  

 Finding Aid
SP0052 Melvin E. Anglin Papers 1943-2010

The Melvin E. Anglin Papers consist of letters, awards, photographs, and other memorabilia collected by Melvin E. Anglin during his career in the army and into retirement.

 Finding Aid
SP0053 Robert Lipscomb Papers 1945-2019

The Robert Lipscomb Papers consists of photographs taken or collected by Robert Lipscomb in the 1940s and 1950s, as well as an oral history interview with Robert. The majority of the photographs were taken during Robert's career with the Missouri Conservation Commission and include images of Missouri's forests and landscapes, in addition to fire lookout towers across South Central Missouri.

 Finding Aid
SP0054 Alex Primm Oral History Collection 1981-2000

The Alex Primm Oral History Collections contain audio cassette tapes with oral history interviews conducted by Alex Primm in the 1980s, 1990s and early 2000s. The interviews cover a range of Ozark related topics such as Grasshopper Hollow in Reynolds County, Missouri; Palmer, Missouri; Ozark rivers; and Fort Leonard Wood. The project on Ozark rives includes interviews with individuals lived and made their livings on or near the Current, Jacks Fork, Little Piney, and Big Piney rivers. Primm interviewed local residents, many of whom had lived in the Ozarks their entire lives.

 Finding Aid
SP0055 Hazel Reed Papers 1913-1975

The Hazel Reed Papers contain correspondence, genealogical research, photographs, and newspaper clippings created by Hazel Irene Carmack Reed. The collection includes material concerning various families from Missouri including Allee, Bartlett, Birdsong, Bybee, Carmack, Decker, Hill, Howard, Reed, Smith, and Yarbrough. There is a significant focus on the Allee family history and Pulaski County, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
SP0056 W. Martin Jones, Jr. Ledger 1907-1910

The W. Martin Jones, Jr. Ledger collection contains the financial records from W. Martin Jones, Jr., land lessee of the Daisy Mining and Milling Company in Springfield, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
SP0057 St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Employee Records 1930-1977

The St. Louis-San Francisco Railway Company Employee Records contain Seniority Rosters and Employee Line-Ups from 1930 to 1977. The records include the names and seniority rank of the St. Louis-San Francisco "Frisco" railroad employees throughout Missouri, as well as Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, and Tennessee.

 Finding Aid
SP0058 Norman William Smith Papers 1943-2011

The Norman William Smith Papers contain materials from World War II veteran, Norman William Smith. The records include photographs, records of service, military reunion materials, and U.S.S. Carter Hall #3 documents.

 Finding Aid
SP0059 Julius Hewitt vs. Chatham Mining Company 1896

The papers include the original affidavit copies from a Jasper County Circuit Court proceeding between Julius A. Hewitt and Chatham Mining Company. The lawsuit was brought against Chatham Mining Company by employee, Julius A. Hewitt, over a salary dispute.

 Finding Aid
SP0060 Springfield Contemporary Theatre Collection 1995-2019

The Springfield Contemporary Theatre Collection includes posters, programs, photographs, marketing materials, and video recordings of productions performed by the company from 1995 to 2019. The collection also contains theatre files and newspaper articles.

 Finding Aid
SP0061 Arthur and Bull Family Papers 1842-1996

The Arthur and Bull Family Papers consist of the correspondence and business papers of John Arthur, the World War I correspondence of Harrison Bull, the World War II correspondence of his son Joseph Bull, the postcard collection of Belva “Bess” Lee Estes, and the music lesson ledgers of Elizabeth Hodges Bull.

 Finding Aid
SP0062 Betsy Balsley Collection 1865-2009

The Betsy Balsley Collection contains the personal and professional papers of Joplin, Missouri, native and Los Angeles Times Food Editor, Betsy Barr Balsley. The collection consists of correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, newspaper articles, and various publications such as magazines and cookbooks.

 Finding Aid
SP0063 Claud Hoffman Papers 1976-2018

The Claud M. Hoffman Collection contains booklets compiled by Claud Hoffman concerning his life, military career, family genealogy, and local history topics. The booklets include copies of photographs, maps, historic documents, and additional information written by Hoffman.

 Finding Aid
SP0064 William Lybarger Photograph Collection circa 1890-1900s

The William Lybarger Photograph Collection contains seven plate glass negatives possibly belonging to William Lybarger taken when he lived near Ash Grove, Missouri. The negatives include images of family members, homes, the Ash Grove school, and a brewery. Also included is a copy of “The Lybarger Family: Descendents [sic] of Johann Adam Leberger through his son Nicholas,” by Nadyne Gilmore Bridges.

 Finding Aid
SP0065 Emory Melton Papers 1880-1980

The Emory Melton Papers contain the personal and professional papers of attorney and long-time state Senator Emory Melton of Cassville, Missouri.

SP0066 Gene Taylor Collection 1971-2001

The Gene Taylor Collection consists of photographs, scrapbooks, and congressional materials related to Congressman Gene Taylor, in addition to Sarcoxie, Missouri.

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SP0067 Arthur Richard Hill Photographs 1912-1978

The Arthur Richard Hill Photograph collection contains photographs of various Missouri towns including Cassville, Joplin, Neosho, Pineville, Savannah, Seligman, and Springfield.

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SP0068 Edward E. Stout Genealogical Collection 1890-2002

The Edward E. Stout Genealogical Collection contains correspondence, genealogical research, family charts, photographs, and manuscripts related to the Fulbright and Stout families.

 Finding Aid
SP0069 Civil War Veteran Homestead Ledgers 1874

The Civil War Veteran Ledgers collection contains two small volumes of handwritten notes taken in 1874 by a government land agent. The notes record information about Union veterans of the Civil War who served in the United States Army or the Missouri State Militia and had made homestead claims of 160 acres or less via the Homestead Act of 1862. The veterans resided in five Missouri counties: Douglas, Ozark, Barry, McDonald, and Stone.

 Finding Aid
SP0070 Rosa McCune Mott Postcard Collection 1907-1965

The Rosa McCune Mott Postcard Collection includes postcards from various cities in Missouri, Arkansas, and Kansas, as well as several United States landmarks. The collection also contains postcards sent to Rosa for holidays, birthdays, and general greeting cards.

 Finding Aid
SP0071 RadiOzark Record Collection 1950s-1960s

The RadiOzark Record Collection contains 427 phonograph records that were produced and transcribed by RadiOzark Enterprises, Inc., located in Springfield, Missouri. Program titles include Strangest of All with Frank Edwards, The Tennessee Ernie Ford Show, The Bill Ring Show, The Red Foley Show, “Shorty Thompson” in Saddle-Rockin’ Rhythm, “Shorty, Sue, & Sally” Saddle-Rockin’ Rhythm, and The Smiley Burnette Show.

 Finding Aid
SP0072 Robert L. Dillard Papers 1849-2016

The Robert L. Dillard Papers contain historical records related to the Dillard and Dennis families of Greene and Webster counties in Missouri. The records include marriage and death certificates, land deeds, pension applications, correspondence, and photographs. The collection also contains a manuscript written by Dr. Robert L. Dillard on his family history and genealogy.

 Finding Aid
SP0073 Berndt and Westlund Family Papers 1877-2022

The Berndt and Westlund Family Papers include historical documents related to property located in Wright County, Missouri, as well as the Berndt and Westlund family of Rock Island County, Illinois.

 Finding Aid
SP0074 Berry-Stewart Family Collection 1870-2000

The Berry-Stewart Family Collection contains materials related to the Berry and Stewart families of Boone and Greene County, Missouri. Items in the collection include marriage certificates, diplomas, correspondence, funeral announcements, and photographs. This collection also contains material related to businesses in Springfield, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
SP0075 Jennie Ellis Postcard Collection 1905-1917

The Jennie Ellis Postcard Collection contains postcards sent to Jennie (Raymond) Ellis and her family between 1905 and 1917. The postcards include images of various cities and landmarks throughout Missouri and the United States.

 Finding Aid
SP0076 Whitaker Family Collection 1902-1972

The Whitaker Family Collection contains materials related to Whitaker Printing and Manufacturing Company, a family-owned business that was located in Joplin, Missouri. The collection consists of correspondence, financial records, photographs, publications, and records pertaining to Sar-Tol pharmaceutical products. The collection also contains artwork by Joplin artist Robert Higgs.

 Finding Aid
SP0077 Grand Jury Proceedings, Wright County, Missouri, Circuit Court 1954

The Grand Jury Proceedings, Wright County, Missouri, Circuit Court collection contains two bound transcripts of a grand jury trial held in Hartville, Missouri, in 1954. The trial was a result of alleged illegal conduct by four Wright County residents during a 1952 Republican primary county election.

 Finding Aid
SP0078 African American Heritage in the Ozarks Collection 2021-2023

The African American Heritage in the Ozarks Collection contains oral history interviews, transcriptions, and photographs related to the African American Heritage in the Ozarks project coordinated by the State Historical Society of Missouri from November 2021 to November 2022. The interviews cover a wide range of topics related to the African American experience in the Ozarks including family, community, education, religion, travel and leisure, labor, and military service.

 Finding Aid
SP0079 Donald R. Whitman Collection 1874-2008

The Donald R. Whitman Collection contains the personal papers of Donald Ray Whitman, including correspondence, genealogical records, and photographs. The collection also documents Whitman’s service in the United States Air Force and his work in the Marshall Islands during Operation Ivy in 1952, as well as his career with the National Weather Service in Kansas City, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
SP0080 Missouri United States Highway 66 Collection 1930-2017

The Missouri United States Highway 66 Collection is an artificial collection consisting of multiple acquisitions related to Missouri’s U.S. Highway 66. The collection contains brochures, maps, photographs, postcards, newsletters, and ephemera.

 Finding Aid
SP0081 Carl Withers Papers 1929-1972, bulk 1939-1942

The Carl Withers Papers are field notes, drafts, and correspondence pertaining to Carl Withers' book, Plainville, U.S.A., a social survey of the town of Wheatland, Hickory County, Missouri, and materials for an unpublished follow-up book on Plainville folklore and history.

 Finding Aid
SP0082 Knight Family Collection 1897-1923

The Knight Family Collection contains a scrapbook created by Pansy Knight, as well as photographs and glass plate negatives. This collection also contains the notebooks and professional papers of Springfield, Missouri, photographer, Carl W. Knight.

 Finding Aid
SP0083 Woman's Christian Temperance Union (Wasola, Mo.) Records 1957-2023

The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (Wasola, Mo.) Records consist of photocopies of organizational records, correspondence, literature, and member notes of the Missouri Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, Wasola chapter. The records also contain the research files of Dr. Kathryn Ledbetter and her related article for the Ozark County Times.

 Finding Aid
SP0084 Southwest Missouri Library Service, Inc., Records 1957-1982

The Southwest Missouri Library Service, Inc., Records contain the by-laws, meeting minutes, correspondence, financial records, and membership papers of Southwest Missouri Library Service, Inc., headquartered in Bolivar, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
SP0085 Johnson Family Collection 1880-1971

The Johnson Family Collection consists of photographs, postcards, personal papers, and scrapbooks related to the Johnson and Wood families of Greene and Taney counties. The scrapbooks contain materials related to development sites in southwest Missouri, including the Powersite Dam, the James River Power Station, and the town of Hollister.

 Finding Aid
SP0086 Violet Bartlett Papers 1907

The Violet Bartlett Papers contain a letter and prayer book written by Violet Bartlett, a native of Niangua, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
SP0087 Renshaw and McLin Family Papers 1845-2000

The Renshaw and McLin Family Papers contain the personal papers of the Renshaw and McLin families of Cave Spring, Missouri, including correspondence, photographs, diaries, and genealogical material. The collection also consists of records related to Mount Zion Presbyterian Church located in Cave Spring.

 Finding Aid
SP0088 David Eslick Photograph Collection 1976-2001

The David Eslick Photograph Collection contains 35-millimeter photographic color slides of people and landmarks in Springfield and southwest Missouri taken by historian and photographer David J. Eslick.

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SP0089 Ranslow and Burger Families Papers 1862-1939

The Ranslow and Burger Families Papers consist of correspondence, photographs, and personal papers of the Ranslow and Burger families of Christian and Taney counties in Missouri.

 Finding Aid
SP0090 Parnell Family Collection 1835-1981

The Parnell Family Collection consists of photographs and personal papers of the Parnell family, as well as related families including the Moore, Thompson, and Wilson families of Taney County, Missouri. The collection also contains early images of Taney and Stone County towns and landscapes.

 Finding Aid
SP0091 Dale-Wise Family Papers 1852-1905

The Dale-Wise Family Papers contains the personal papers of Robert Dale of Jasper County, Missouri, and property deeds from Jasper and Moniteau counties. The collection also includes correspondence addressed to Robert Dale and his daughter Ann Wise.

 Finding Aid
SP0092 Fletcher-Brill Family Papers 1900-2019

The Fletcher-Brill Family Papers contain correspondence, photographs, articles, genealogy, and publications on the Fletcher and Brill families of Wright County, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
SP0093 Wilson Waltz Diary 1891

The Wilson Waltz diary contains daily entries written by Wilson Waltz, a farmer near Carthage, Missouri, during 1891.

 Finding Aid
SP0094 Carter Family Collection 1870-1981

The Carter Family Collection contains compiled family histories and photographs of the Carter family of Newton County, Missouri. Related family histories include the Munsey and Weems families of Greene County, Tennessee.

 Finding Aid
SP0095 R. J. Martin Papers 1946-1955

The R. J. Martin Papers contain records, correspondence, contracts, and photographs from Ralph Joseph “Joe” Martin’s tenure as Missouri-Arkansas representative for the United States Department of the Interior Southwest Power Association office in Springfield, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
SP0096 Kathleen Van Buskirk Papers 1845-2003

The Kathleen Van Buskirk Papers contain manuscripts, correspondence, research, genealogy, cemetery records, publications, and photographs from Kathleen Van Buskirk, a journalist and regional historian who spent most of her career writing about the people, culture, and history of the Ozarks and White River Valley.

 Finding Aid
SP0097 John S. Phelps Letters 1852, 1856

The collection contains two letters written by John S. Phelps during his time as a Missouri Congressman. The first letter is a recommendation of a Naval officer’s appointment as a midshipman. The second letter is in regard to the presidential election of 1856.

 Finding Aid
SP0098 Joanie Melton Seale Papers 1971-2006

The Joanie Melton Seale Papers contain materials related to the Lester E. Cox Medical Center in Springfield, Missouri, collected by registered nurse Joanie Melton Seale. The collection consists of publications, a medical directory, and a calendar celebrating the hospital’s centennial. The collection also includes a program for the 1971 Missouri State Fair.

 Finding Aid
SP0099 Thomas Korn Photograph Collection 1933-1976

The Thomas Korn Photograph Collection contains photographs and negatives taken by Joplin, Missouri, photographer Thomas Korn.

 Finding Aid
SP0100 Clara L. Wilber Papers 1885-1933

The Clara L. Wilber Papers contain the personal papers and handwritten poems of Carthage, Missouri, woman Clara Luella Wilber.

 Finding Aid