Columbia Manuscript Collections

Collection Number Title Collection Dates Description Finding Aid
C0503 Charles Younger Will 1852

Last will and testament made out February 26, 1852, in Jackson County, Missouri, by Charles Younger.

 Finding Aid
C0504 Robert B. Seymour Military Land Grant 1853

Grant of 40 acres of land near Fayette, Missouri, by order of Franklin Pierce.

 Finding Aid
C0505 Tootle and Armstrong (St. Joseph, Mo.) Memorandum 1855

Copy of legal instrument authorizing collection of notes for Tootle and Armstrong, a mercantile firm in St. Joseph, by Joseph Murphy.

 Finding Aid
C0506 Everts, Wilson and Company Letter 1857

To H.C. Lennox from St. Louis, Missouri, January 25, 1857.  Concerning deposit of funds with Everts, Wilson and Company by R.P. Knapp in his own name for Frank M. Hathorn, claims on funds by Knapp's creditors, and request for money from Hathorn.

 Finding Aid
C0507 Martha Allen Letter 1857

Letter to her aunt and uncle from Ray County, Missouri, March 15, 1857. Description of the weather, comments about crops, and family news. An added note by a sister, Lucinda.

 Finding Aid
C0508 John B. Collier Letter 1858

To his family in Virginia from northern Missouri, Feb. 28, 1858. Comments on Native American problems, educational facilities in Missouri, family matters, and mention of the “Mormon or Utah war.”

 Finding Aid
C0509 Dennis Tucker Deeds 1860-1864

For Knox County, Missouri, land, originally in the possession of Eber H. Tucker and sold at auction by Amos Poe to D. Tucker and Zachariah Lear, October 27, 1860. For Knox County, Missouri, land sold by Tucker to Zachariah Lear, February 25, 1864.

 Finding Aid
C0510 H.M. Sumner Letter 1862

To [Benjamin F.] Loan, Lexington, Missouri, from Jefferson City, Missouri, Oct. 29, 1862. Reporting succession speech of Sample Orr and requesting approval of Sumner’s action in restricting Orr to Jefferson City.

 Finding Aid
C0511 Civil War Letter 1862

Letter from an unknown soldier to mother and father from Camp Muligan, Lexington, Missouri, Nov. 21, 1862. Tells of scouting trips, daily activities, and the election in Pleasant Hill.

 Finding Aid
C0512 H.D. Palmer Letter 1862

To Isaac Feback from Independence, Missouri, December 20, 1862. Letter from a Unionist telling of the distrust between North and South.

 Finding Aid
C0513 Hugh Dunbar Deed of Emancipation 1846

Deed of Emancipation for Charlott, an enslaved woman, March 26, 1846. Hugh Dunbar, the enslaver, freed her for $1.00.

 Finding Aid
C0514 W.R. Dyer Letter 1866

To Freeman Hall, Matinicus, Maine, from St. Louis, Missouri, September 9, 1866. Describes St. Louis in 1866-working conditions, climate, farming, and arrival of President Johnson, Seward, Wells, Grant, and Farragut. Comments on Johnson’s administration.

 Finding Aid
C0515 Missouri Library Association Records 1900-1994

The organizational records of the Missouri Library Association consist of by-laws and constitutions, correspondence, financial and membership records including account books, journals and ledgers, handbooks, miscellaneous newsletters and other publications, minutes and reports, newspaper clippings, promotional materials, programs, resolutions, photographs, and scrapbooks.

 Finding Aid
C0516 John Brooks Henderson Letter 1870

To John T. Hoffman, Albany, New York, from St. Louis, Missouri, Sept. 17, 1870. Request for appointment as delegate to convention to be held in Cincinnati. Also includes a photograph of Henderson.

 Finding Aid
C0517 Winchester Davis Deed 1871

Howard County land deeded to Winchester Davis by his parents, Joseph and Sarah E. Davis.

 Finding Aid
C0518 "Memorandum on Provisions Relating to Railroads in the Constitution of Missouri of 1875" no date

A brief statement of the circumstances leading up to the adoption of the provisions relating to railroads in the constitution of 1875 by the assistant counsel, Missouri Public Service Commission. Written in the early 1940s for the Constitutional Convention.

 Finding Aid
C0519 Pleasant Hill Academy (Cass County, Mo.) Papers 1883

Petition for incorporation and constitution.

 Finding Aid
C0520 Bela M. Hughes Letter 1885

To Wells-Fargo Company, from Denver, July 1885. Introducing George A. Hughes of Richmond, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
C0521 Joseph Orville Shelby Letter 1885

To Mr. Lankford, Marshall, Missouri, from Audrain, Bates County, Missouri, August 2, 1885. Letter from a Confederate brigadier general to a friend, giving his reasons for the Civil War.

 Finding Aid
C0522 Nelson C. Gallemore Certificate 1886

Certificate issued by the University of Missouri for completion of course in double-entry bookkeeping.

 Finding Aid
C0523 General Election Sample Ballot 1892

Sample ballot for the Missouri general election, 1892, showing the candidates for the Democratic, Republican, Prohibition, People's and Independent parties.

 Finding Aid
C0524 H.K. Givens Letter 1894

To Mrs. Pearson, from Fayette, Missouri, Nov. 29, 1894. Short note referring to some material Mrs. Pearson sent him. Probably Kate Pearson of Fayette, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
C0525 William C. Lobenstine Diary 1852-1858

Photocopy of privately printed edition of diary kept while traveling to California to mine gold in 1852. Includes scattered entries for years Lobenstine was in Volcano and Camp Secco, California, as a miner and, later, a merchant. Entries from April 20 to July 1, 1858, describe his return to the East via the Isthmus of Panama and his intent to settle in Leavenworth, Kansas.

 Finding Aid
C0526 W. Bishop Letters 1896-1898

Two letters to his granddaughter, Laura Benton, telling of hard times in 1896, prices at the feed store, and members of the family.

 Finding Aid
C0527 Thomas Todd Estate Notice 1869

Notice of public auction of miscellaneous property by Thomas Todd, signed by Samuel C. Major.

 Finding Aid
C0528 Gayoso, Missouri, Farmers' Flood Relief Petition 1898

Petition signed by thirteen farmers from the Gayoso, Missouri, area requesting supplies from Merchant’s Exchange, St. Louis, Missouri, because of flood conditions. They suggest supplies be sent by Jasper Landers, Gayoso wharf master.

 Finding Aid
C0529 Richard Henry Jesse Letter 1906

To J.C. Schuerman, Ithaca, New York, from Columbia, Missouri, September 21, 1906. Asks the president of Cornell University about the cost and use of the university library. Answers noted on original by G.W. Hains and returned.

 Finding Aid
C0530 Boonville, St. Louis and Southern Railway Company Certificates of Registration 1918-1919

Two certificates registering the company in the office of the Secretary of State of State of Missouri, dated July 20, 1918, and July 10, 1919.

 Finding Aid
C0531 S.J. Bunker Abstract of Title 1929

One abstract of title containing all the instruments of writing which affect the title of a section and a half of land in Dent County, Missouri, from 1860 to 1929. Prepared by the Bennett Abstract Company, Salem, Missouri, November 15, 1929.

 Finding Aid
C0532 Bennett Champ Clark Letter 1937

Letter from Senator Bennett Champ Clark of Washington, D.C., to Frederick G. Middlebush, President of the University of Missouri in Columbia, dated December 14, 1937.

 Finding Aid
C0533 Anite C. Boswell Letter 1941

To John C. Westover, Columbia, Missouri, from Springfield, Missouri, April 18, 1941. Describes work being done in the gathering of data concerning M. Jeff Thompson, genealogy work of the Utah Genealogical Society, and the acquisition of a diary.

 Finding Aid
C0534 John Phillips Letter 1793

Letter from John Phillips of Boston to Samuel Gray dated November 28, 1793. The letter concerns a deed for land purchased by Jeremiah Clark, Jr.

 Finding Aid
C0535 David Bailey Land Grant 1804

Grant of tract of land in Botetourt County, Virginia, to David Bailey by John Page, governor of Virginia.

 Finding Aid
C0536 P.S. and Luther Jones Letter 1836

To James Jones Family, High Hill, MO, from Moons Bluff, MS, Mar. 24, 1836. Discuss living conditions, weather, and local gossip.

 Finding Aid
C0537 Stephen Ridgley Letter 1837

To Robert Ridgley, Upper Alton, Illinois, from Boston, Massachusetts, November 10, 1837. Describes local conditions to his brother.

 Finding Aid
C0538 A.D. Patchin Letter 1841

To P.H. Winchester, Carlinville, Illinois, from Albany, New York, November 15, 1841. Concerning the payment of a pension.

 Finding Aid
C0539 Sam. Hoffman Letter 1849

To Edward Hoffman, St. Louis, Missouri, from Black Rock, New York, Feb. 26, 1849. Letter to his son discussing construction of the Erie Canal near Buffalo, New York, and topics of general interest.

 Finding Aid
C0540 Eliza G. Post Papers 1815-1830

Itemized expenses for move to St. Louis, MO, from New York, 1815. Diary, 1826-1830, enumerating visitors and overnight guests while family lived in Bonhomme, St. Louis County, MO. Copies of daguerreotypes of Justus and Eliza G. Post.

 Finding Aid
C0541 Nathaniel Lyon Letter 1850

Typed copy of a letter written by Nathaniel Lyon to G[eorge] A. Tisdale, Sackets Harbor, New York, from Monterey, California, April 30, 1850. Letter tells of a prospective trip to northern California and Oregon to handle conflicts with Native Americans. Also mentions the issue of slavery and local amusements.

 Finding Aid
C0542 William A. Carter Letter 1850

To his wife Mary, from Hangtown or Placerville, California, August 11, 1850. Work, prices, and conditions in the gold fields around Placerville.

 Finding Aid
C0543 Amos Bargdoll Letter 1851

Typescript copy of a letter describing a gold mining town in California, with mention of cholera, prices, and friends.

 Finding Aid
C0544 John Montgomery Letter 1851

To William Montgomery, Carrollton, Missouri, from Weberville, California, March 11, 1851. Written to his brother by a young miner in the California gold fields, concerning his returning home.

 Finding Aid
C0545 William R. Allen Letter 1851

Dr. Allen describes a trip from Missouri to Oregon City: cholera plague on Great Plains, loss of possessions in blizzard, difficulty in keeping order in wagon train, and rescue by Oregon City citizens. Cost of housing, food, and farm products. Description of land, farming, gold mining, lumbering, and other industries and businesses.

 Finding Aid
C0546 Ben F. Headen Letter 1853

Typescript copy of a letter to Mr. and Mrs. Winchester Payne, Cass County, Missouri, from Santa Clara, California, Sept. 16, 1853. Dr. Headen tells of crops, prices, local conditions, and family affairs. Reports what some emigrants had told him about their trips to California.

 Finding Aid
C0547 Alexander Campbell Letter 1853

“To all whom these presents may come,” from Bethany, Virginia, October 15, 1853. A recommendation of Rebecca E. Jones as a teacher.

 Finding Aid
C0548 Thomas A. Spalding Letters 1855-1858

Two letters from Thomas A. Spalding to his brother in Missouri, written from California during the gold rush.

 Finding Aid
C0549 E.B. Mason Appointment 1861

Appointment as deputy postmaster at LaSalle, Illinois, by Abraham Lincoln.

 Finding Aid
C0550 Thomas Mee Papers 1863-1864

The papers contain one letter from Thomas Mee to his wife. Mee was a soldier with the 2nd Regiment, East Tennessee Volunteers, stationed near Murphreesboro, Tennessee. He talks of the horrors of the battle near Murphreesboro and predicts a greater one in Chattanooga, where he expects to be sent. Also included is a certificate of service showing Mee died at Andersonville Prison in 1864.

 Finding Aid
C0551 A.W. Howard Letter 1872

To James A. McQuitty, Missouri, from Childress Store, Montgomery County, Virginia, March 13, 1872. Description of economic conditions in Virginia.

 Finding Aid
C0552 Charles Devens Letter 1877

To John Bruce, Montgomery, Alabama, from Washington, D.C., April 30, 1877.  Inquiry concerning charges made by John H. Purness against U.S. Commissioner Isaac Heyman and others.

 Finding Aid
C0553 George E. Lester Letter 1879

To Phillip Lucas Lester, Missouri, from Montgomery County, Virginia, January 12, 1879. Discusses settling their father’s estate and includes legal procedures of the time.

 Finding Aid
C0554 J. David Wood Letter 1883

Letter from J. D. and Kate Wood of Challis, Idaho, to his uncle and aunt, Joseph and Elizabeth Wood of Putnam County, Missouri, November 14, 1883. Discusses mining activities, living conditions, and the education of their sons.

 Finding Aid
C0555 M.C. Henslee Letter 1901

Letter from M. C. Henslee of Vancouver, Washington, to John Power of Modena, Missouri, April 4, 1901, regarding family news and fruit crop conditions.

 Finding Aid
C0556 Addie Henry Reick Diary 1910

Diary kept by Addie Henry Reick of a trip from Seattle, Washington, to Ophir, Alaska, May 1 to June 30, 1910. Reick wrote the journal for relatives and friends in Missouri. A map showing the route is filed with the diary.

 Finding Aid
C0557 Shake Rag Cemetery (Macon County, Mo.) Records 1985

The records of the Shake Rag Cemetery contain the names and birth and death dates from tombstones located in Shake Rag, also known as Pleasant Hill, Cemetery, in Macon County, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
C0558 Missouri Church Records 1811-2024

The Missouri Church Records consist of newsletters, conference proceedings, reports, directories, journals, and other publications of various religious denominations in Missouri including the Methodist, Baptist, Disciples of Christ (Christian), Presbyterian, and Catholic churches.

 Finding Aid
C0559 Elinor P. Thompson Letter 1941

Letter from Elinor P. Thompson of New Orleans, Louisiana, to John C. Westover, of Camp Clairborne, Louisiana, November 7, 1941. The letter describes the activities of M. Jeff Thompson after his settlement in New Orleans. It also provides a description of New Orleans and describes the Thompson family papers.

 Finding Aid
C0560 Maggie Burnside Letter 1863

Letter from Maggie Burnside to Matilda Girdner of Alexandria, Ohio, March 21, 1863. The letter describes sugar making and raising money and provisions for Union soldiers with a "Soldier's Supper." Also describes resistance to the conscription bill.

 Finding Aid
C0561 A.F. Davis Letter 1862

To F.D. Davis, from Pittsburgh Landing, Tennessee, April 21, 1862. Describes the Battle of Shiloh.

 Finding Aid
C0562 [Arthur] Campbell Letter 1808

To Francis Walker, Edinburgh, from London, England, April 29, 1808. Thank you for renewal of a bill. Mentions visit to Bath and return to London for meeting of Parliament.

 Finding Aid
C0563 Belle C. Sinclair Letter 1890

To Allie Minter, LaBelle, Missouri, from Alvinston, Ontario, February 5, 1890. Gives an account of a Scotch wedding.

 Finding Aid
C0564 Amadeo Martos Letter 1911

To F.M. Hutchinson, Missouri City, Clay County, Missouri, from Spain, December 3, 1911. Written by a political prisoner from a castle fort in Alicante, Spain, requesting Hutchinson to become guardian for his daughter.

 Finding Aid
C0565 Tojo Hideki Medical Records [1945]

Medical charts for the premier of Japan for period after he attempted suicide upon Japan’s surrender. Includes photographs.

 Finding Aid
C0566 Hopewell Sabbath School Papers 1825

Constitution of the Belleview Sunday School Society, Washington County, Missouri, of which the Hopewell Sabbath School was a member. List of subscribers to the school, rules and regulations, membership in each of the schools of the Belleview Society, list of books used, and attendance and achievement records of pupils.

 Finding Aid
C0567 Star Bible Class Papers 1884-1920

Letters from church workers in Japan to the Parkville, Missouri, Presbyterian church class. Class record book containing minutes, roll, and accounts. Miscellaneous materials, financial statements for 1915 and 1917, tribute to a class member, and excerpts from ordinances of Parkville, 1884.

 Finding Aid
C0568 Young Men's Christian Association (Independence, Mo.) Papers 1887

Charter and constitution of the Young Men's Christian Association, Independence, Missouri, June 18, 1887.

 Finding Aid
C0569 Two River Old School Baptist Association Minutes 1883-1892

Minutes of annual meetings of 1883, 1889, and 1892 of the association of Ralls and Shelby Counties, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
C0570 Minerva Estes Land Titles 1854-1859

One military land grant to Minerva Estes at Jackson, Missouri, June 2, 1854, signed by Franklin Pierce; two land titles to Minerva Estes of Wayne County, Missouri, October 10, 1856, signed by Franklin Pierce, and January 1, 1859, signed by James Buchanan.

 Finding Aid
C0571 Columbia, Missouri Real Estate Papers 1899-1927

Plans and descriptive material pertaining to new additions for sale: Garth, 1899; Guitar, 1903; Beasely, 1904; Fyfer, 1907; Stewart, 1910; Westwood, 1916; Park Hill, 1927; and others. Financial report of Water and Light Company, 1904-1906, and a picture of John Belcher's store on Broadway in the 1880s.

 Finding Aid
C0572 Columbia Female Academy (Columbia, Mo.) Papers 1841-1853

Includes an address delivered March 28, 1841, by the Rev. J.L. Yantis, at the examination of the pupils of Columbia Female Academy, and an 1853 catalogue.

 Finding Aid
C0573 T.A. Johnston Speeches 1872, 1933

“The Party Spirit,” given at the University of Missouri commencement, June 11, 1872. “The Church of My Childhood,” given at the Presbyterian church, Boonville, Missouri, April 12, 1933. Johnston was on the faculty of Kemper Military School.

 Finding Aid
C0574 St. Joseph Lead Mining Company Papers 1800, 1892

The St. Joseph Lead Mining Company Papers consist of a positive photostat of a Spanish land grant for an area that was later purchased by St. Joseph Lead Mining Company. Also included is an illustrated booklet, compiled by J. Wyman Jones, detailing history of the company.

 Finding Aid
C0575 Missouri. Council of Defense Papers 1917-1919

The papers of the Missouri State Council of Defense contain reports on the organization and activities of the Council on relief, home defense, aliens, industry, labor, engineering, publicity, and supply and conservation of food. There are copies of correspondence and bulletins published by the Council. Topics discussed are recruits, farm labor, food, Patriotic Day, crops, loans and war funds, collecting waste junk, insurance, and posters.

 Finding Aid
C0576 Hannibal Ferry Company Papers 1858-1902

Bills of sale, deeds, and reports concerning the company; ferry operator's license; and minute book containing records of the directors' and stockholders' meetings.

 Finding Aid
C0577 Hannibal Railway and Electric Company (Hannibal, Mo.) Records 1917-1939

Minutes of directors' and stockholders' meetings, 1917-1927, for an electric street railway system. Adjudged bankrupt in 1927, it operated under the Referee in Bankruptcy. The company was sold by order of the Federal Court in 1930 and ceased operation. Includes a record of loans, a scrapbook, and information on final court actions in 1931.

 Finding Aid
C0578 Mazÿck Porcher Ravenel Papers 1884-1958

The papers of a bacteriologist and teacher, including correspondence, notes, and other material. Information on disease research, health organizations, other scientists, World War I army life, the University of Wisconsin in 1914, and the effects of World War II on Columbia, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
C0579 Brown Drug Store (Hannibal, Mo.) Prescription Book 1858-1860

Prescriptions, as received from doctors, filled by J.B. Brown and Company, Hannibal, Missouri.

 Finding Aid
C0580 Bard Drug Store (Sedalia, Mo.) Prescription Book 1867

The records of the W.E. Bard Drug Store contain prescriptions filled over the course of one year at a Sedalia, Missouri, drugstore.

 Finding Aid
C0581 S.E. McGraw Account Book 1874-1877

Accounts of a harness and machine repairman, probably near Clinton, Missouri. The name of Warren Bronaugh appears throughout the book.

 Finding Aid
C0582 Merchant and Staples Tobacco Company Account Books 1874-1878

Account books of a Chariton County, Missouri, tobacco company, with offices at Brunswick and Triplett, giving amounts of shipments, accounts payable to tobacco growers, and financial accounts of the company.

 Finding Aid
C0583 Rudolph and Charles Bircher Papers 1856-1924

The papers contain business records of the owners of the Laclede-Bircher Hotel and farms in St. Louis, Missouri, and Civil War documents for the St. Louis Central Guard, Missouri State Militia. Also contains a record of school funds, 1851-1852; account of the City of St. Louis Fire Department, 1866-1867; and an account of the German American Bank, 1888-1894.

 Finding Aid
C0584 Brewers, Maltsters and General Labor Departments, Local Union No. 6 Minutes 1898-1940

Roll 1 contains volume 1, March 14, 1898-July 14, 1918, in German. Roll 2 contains volume 2, July 28, 1918-January 1, 1940, in English. Labor-management relations, beer production prohibition, participation in politics, international union policy and relations with other trade unions; World War I, American Socialist Party, Eugene V. Debs, and Tom Mooney.

 Finding Aid
C0585 Christian Church (Fulton, Mo.) Records 1848-1888

Membership, minutes of business meetings, minutes of Board of Officers' meetings, financial records, pledges, and assessments.

 Finding Aid
C0586 Waldo Porter Johnson Papers 1878-1884

Leases of a coal mine, the Hoover Bank, to D.W. Coonce in 1881, to Richard W. Perrin in 1884, and to James A. Paisley in 1878.

Contract for rebuilding a barn and a lease for a farm with Richard Bught. Also a list of law books ordered by Johnson in 1880.

 Finding Aid
C0587 Sedalia Real Estate and Loan Men's Association (Sedalia, Mo.) Papers 1922-1926

The papers contain correspondence, clippings, minutes of meetings, and a city ordinance of this organization.

 Finding Aid
C0588 U.S. Commissioner of Patents Papers 1849-1858

The papers contain letters to the U.S. Commissioner of Patents about various agricultural subjects in Missouri. Most of the letters were written by Henry Ancrum in 1849. Also includes article on grape culture in Missouri by George C. Swallow, 1857.

 Finding Aid
C0589 John B. Helm Papers 1818-1868

The papers of a merchant, lawyer, judge, and builder in Kentucky and Hannibal, Missouri, consist of correspondence relating mainly to business interests; financial and legal documents such as receipts, promissory notes, contracts, and legal briefs; and account books.

 Finding Aid
C0590 Lumber Company Price Lists 1869-1894

The collection contains price lists of G.C. Hixon & Company, of Hannibal, Missouri, 1869 and 1879; Judson Lyon, St. Joseph, Missouri, 1881; and I.M. Howell & Company, Atchison, Kansas, 1881. Also includes a statement of lumber shipments in 1894 and logging costs to various towns on the Mississippi River.

 Finding Aid
C0591 CARROLLTON DEMOCRAT (Carrollton, Mo.) Papers 1936-1938

Telegrams to the DEMOCRAT about King Edward VIII's abdication; Franklin D. Roosevelt's recommendations to Congress, 1937; Martin Johnson's death; the wreck of Amelia Earhart's plane; and the death of Queen Marie of Romania.

 Finding Aid
C0592 Aull Family Business Papers 1841-1843

List of merchandise bought from James Aull by Woodson Manion, 1837-1842. Article of agreement on the sale of land signed by Robert Aull, Samuel Owens, I.S. Allen, Wm. H. Russell, S.W. Waddell, and Alexander M. Ramsey. I.O.U. blanks. A deed of Robert Aull, 1841.

 Finding Aid
C0593 Old Trails Bridge Company Papers 1921-1924

Correspondence and other papers pertaining to construction of the bridge at Boonville. List of officers, subscribers, toll charges, and agreement adopted by board, July 25, 1921. T.A. Johnston was president, W.B. Nowell and John Cosgrove were vice-presidents, H.C. Neef, Secretary, and R.G. Hadelich, Treasurer.

 Finding Aid
C0594 Columbia, Missouri Telephone Exchange Directories 1906-1909

Directories of February 1906, February 1907, October 1907, October 1908, and April 1909. There is some advertising on the covers.

 Finding Aid
C0595 Western Telephone Company Papers 1903-1907

Statements of uncollectible accounts at Brookfield, Linneus, Marceline, and Unionville, Missouri, and correspondence in connection with them. Also a statement of receipts and expenditures.

 Finding Aid
C0596 Columbia, Missouri. Recreation Commission Report 1945

Annual report to the mayor, city council and citizens of Columbia on activities and needs of the commission.

 Finding Aid
C0597 Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company (Howard County, Mo.) Papers 1893-1899

The papers contain affidavits of loss, policies, treasurer's reports, constitution and by-laws, and receipts of a Howard County, Missouri, insurance company.

 Finding Aid
C0598 Carrollton Academy (Carrollton, Mo.) Records 1854-1869

The records contain photostatic copies of minutes of trustees’ and stockholders’ meetings and business records of the academy.

 Finding Aid
C0599 Clay Seminary (Liberty, Mo.) Papers 1855-1864

The papers contain materials of a young ladies' school, including, fifth annual catalogue, 1860; commencement exercises, 1861-1864; exhibitions of Eunomian Literary Society, 1860-1864; and advertising circulars.

 Finding Aid
C0600 Champ Clark Papers 1898

The papers contain an address entitled "Hardin College and its Founders," delivered September 12, 1898; a letter to secretary of Pike County Historical Society regarding that society's work, and one photograph of Clark in later years.

 Finding Aid
C0601 Columbia Industrial School (Columbia, Mo.) Minute Book 1894-1910

Minutes of board meetings. Cover formation, operation, and finances of the school. Purpose of the school was to give young girls a means of gaining a livelihood by sewing or other appropriate work. School was organized and operated by church women.

 Finding Aid
C0602 Elmwood Seminary (Farmington, Mo.) Records 1911-1914

The records of Elmwood Seminary contain account and record books, papers, and correspondence of a Presbyterian girl's school in Farmington, Missouri.

 Finding Aid